

作者: 维维Longre | 来源:发表于2018-11-06 21:41 被阅读0次



一、个别乱序 在雅思阅读中大部分题目都符合“题文一致”这一基本原则,即出题顺序与原文行文顺序基本一致,但有时出题者往往剑走偏锋,令个别小题乱序出现,干扰考生、令其方寸大乱从而失分。例如,在剑桥真题七的Test 4 Passage 1: Pulling string to build pyramids一文中, Question 10就出现了乱序,令考生费时费力,难以察觉。

题目: The Egyptians had 8………………, which could liftlarge pieces of 9...................., and they knew how to use the energy ofthe wind from their skill as 10................... The discovery on one pyramidof an object which resembled a 11................. suggests they may haveexperimented with 12 .............. . In addition, over two thousand years agokites used in china as weapons, as well as for sending 13..................

原文: Other feel there is more of a case for thetheory. Harnessing the wind would not have been a problem for accomplishedsailors like the Egyptians. And they are known to have used wooden pulleys,which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocksof stone. In addition, there is some physical evidence that the ancientEgyptians were interested in flight. A wooden artifact found on the steppyramid at Saqqara looks uncannily like a modern glider. Although it dates fromseveral hundred years after the building of the pyramids, its sophisticationsuggests that the Egyptians might have been developing ideas of flight for along time. And other ancient civilizations certainly knew about kites; as earlyas 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flamingdebris on their foes.

在Question 10之前已经有了Question8和9,定位在原文中的第三句话“And they areknown to have used wooden pulleys, which could have been made strong enough tobear the weight of massive blocks of stone.”那么按照常理推测,Question10理应在Question 8和9之后出现。但是考生们费心费力一番查找,发现遍寻不着答案,因此很多人便乱了阵脚。其实这是出题者在跟我们玩“乱序”这个花招。破解方法很简单:精读题目,以关键词在文中的重现为定位。根据空前词“they knew how to use the energy of the wind from their skill as”可以定位到原文的第二句话“Harnessing the wind would not have been a problem for accomplishedsailors like the Egyptians.”于是答案为“accomplished sailors”。 总结:正所谓“乱花渐欲迷人眼”,只有精炼读题这一基本功,才能“以不变应万变”。


雅思阅读文章往往是学术型文章,涉及某个专业话题,为了表达精准到位,难免会出现比较冗长的句子,如何精准地理解作者意图对考生也是不小的挑战。但也并非没有技巧可言。一篇文章总归有它的符合逻辑的写作顺序,更何况雅思阅读中的文章都是脉络清楚,逻辑缜密的优秀文章,所以,通过对文章的思路分析来确定所需信息的大体位置就相对可靠,并依托全篇文章的核心内容来理解长难句,问题就不会显得过分复杂了。例如,在剑桥真题六的Test 2 Passage 1: Advantages of public transport文中,便出现了对长难句的考查。

题目: Question 9.(T / F / NG) In Melbourne,people prefer to live in the outer suburbs.

原文: According to Professor Newman, the largerAustralian city of Melbourne is a rather unusual city in this sort ofcomparison. He describes it as two cities: 'A European city surrounded by acar- dependent one’. Melbourne’s large tram network has made car use in theinner city much lower, but the outer suburbs have the same car-based structureas most other Australian cities. The explosion in demand for accommodation inthe inner suburbs of Melbourne suggests a recent change in many people’spreferences as to where they live.

根据Question 9中的定位词“Melbourne”可对应文中第三段的最后一句话“The explosion in demand for accommodation in the inner suburbs ofMelbourne suggests a recent change in many people’s preferences as to wherethey live.”而能否准确理解这句话也决定了这道判断题能否做对。这句长难句考查学生对于主谓宾句子结构的把握,以及后置定语的理解,其中“explosion”一词应理解为“激增”,所以正确理解是“墨尔本近郊住宿需求的激增表明人们偏好住在哪里的改变。”而题目的意思是“墨尔本的人们倾向于住在远郊”,因此此题判断为FALSE。




