【华尔街顶级对冲基金】2014/2015 Fortress Gl

【华尔街顶级对冲基金】2014/2015 Fortress Gl

作者: 对冲基金协会 | 来源:发表于2014-10-10 14:04 被阅读0次

    【华尔街顶级对冲基金】2014/2015 Fortress Global Macro University Challenge投资大赛

    【Introduction 比赛介绍】

    Fortress Investment Group是全球顶尖的基金管理公司,旗下管理资产规模超过550亿美元。Fortress Challenge是Fortress Investment Group和北美顶尖高校投资类社团联盟Upgrade Capital合作举办的为期六个月的模拟盘交易比赛。

    这项大赛致力于为全球顶尖青年投资家搭建一个展示投资才华、相互交流的平台,并为他们提供与全球顶尖对冲基金深入互动的机会。优胜参赛者将有机会获得总额15,000美元的奖金以及Fortress Investment Group的暑期实习机会。


    【Participating Schools 参与学校】


    【Remarks 报名方式及要求】


    报名截止时间:2014年10月19日11:59pm PST

    报名要求:参赛者须是上述任一Upgrade Capital会员学校的在校学生,每位参赛选手只被允许注册一个账号

    【Media Coverage 部分媒体报道】

    Forbes: Students Compete In Online Macro Trading Competition And Win An Internship At Fortress

    -“Alexey Loganchuk has sparked a revolution in the forward looking hedge fund industry whereby precise skill evaluation is starting to take precedence over anecdotal factors.”


    Quartz: Resumes are the most useless recruiting tool for hedge funds

    -“I usually describe it as Moneyball for traders.”


    【Website 官方网址】

    Fortress Investment Group: http://www.fortress.com/

    Upgrade Capital: http://upgradecapital.com/

    The 2014/2015 Fortress Challenge is a six-month trading competition offering you an opportunity to showcase your investing ability, gain insight into how leading funds assess investment opportunities and analyse risk, engage in ongoing dialogue with fund managers, and connect with some of the top young investors from around the world.

    Fortress Challenge winners will split $15,000 in prizes and will be invited to an exclusive networking event in New York. Two top performers will be awarded summer internships with Fortress Investment Group.

    On-boarding ends 19 Oct 2014. To get involved involved, register here: upgradecapital.com/signup



          本文标题:【华尔街顶级对冲基金】2014/2015 Fortress Gl
