This excercise is a more sophisticated version of Simple Events kata.
Your task is to implement an Event constructor function for creating event objects
var event = new Event();
which comply to the following:
an event object should have .subscribe() and .unsubscribe() methods to add and remove handlers
.subscribe() and .unsubscribe() should be able take an arbitrary number of arguments and tolerate invalid arguments (not functions, or for unsubscribe, functions which are not subscribed) by simply skipping them
multiple subscription of the same handler is allowed, and in this case unsubscription removes the last subscription of the same handler
an event object should have an .emit() method which must invoke all the handlers with the arguments provided
.emit() should use its own invocation context as handers' invocation context
the order of handlers invocation must match the order of subscription
handler functions can subscribe and unsubscribe handlers, but the changes should only apply to the next emit call - the handlers for an ongoing emit call should not be affected
- subscribe, unsubscribe and emit are the only public properties that are allowed on event objects (apart from Object.prototype methods)
Check the test fixture for usage example
My answer (跟着最佳答案改的)
function Event() {
var handlers = [];
this.subscribe = function(...args) {
if(f && typeof f === "function")
this.unsubscribe = function(...args) {
args.forEach(function(f) {
if(f && typeof f === "function") {
var index = handlers.lastIndexOf(f);
handlers.splice(index, 1);
this.emit = function() {
var args = arguments, cp_handlers = handlers.slice();
cp_handlers.forEach(o =>, ...args));
Best answer
function Event() {
var queue = [];
this.subscribe = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (typeof arguments[i] == "function") queue.push(arguments[i]);
this.unsubscribe = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var index = queue.lastIndexOf(arguments[i]);
if (index >= 0) queue.splice(index, 1);
this.emit = function () {
var emit = queue.slice();
while (emit.length) emit.shift().apply(this, arguments);
- 理解
的无参数用法,相当于深度复制一整个数组(非指针引用) - 掌握数组的
的用法 - 和Simple Events不同的地方在于,本题不能出现除subscribe/unsubcribe/emit外的其他的公有属性,而使用prototype只要访问公有的,因此不能够用原型链