精读|Renewable Energy Day 3

精读|Renewable Energy Day 3

作者: 冥想音 | 来源:发表于2017-03-08 11:17 被阅读10次

    Part One 听讲解 记笔记

    1. issues a Bond villain's反派角色 laugh 发出邦德阴森的笑

    issue 产生,发出 issue from sth (formal) to come out of sth 从…中出来

    # A weak trembling sound issued from his lips.他嘴里发出了微弱颤抖的声音。

    2. finance        provide capital for return  融资

       fund              supply money for free     (不求回报)

    3.All told,···       with all that is told的省略

      That said,···   with that being said的省略   把那件事说过之后

    4.off the grid    (chiefly US)not connected to the basic services, especially electricity


    5.anathema   [mass noun]something or someone that one vehemently dislikes可憎的事(或人)

    # racial hatred was anathema to her.种族仇恨让她厌恶。

    aerobic 有氧的  anaerobic 无氧的,厌氧的

    6.The fight against climate change has seen huge growth in the “new” renewables  (事情)见证

    have seen better days        have declined from former prosperity or good condition 已经衰败;今不如昔

    # this part of South London has seen better days.南伦敦的这一片已经不如往昔了。

    have seen it all before

    # be very worldly or very familiar with a particular situation 熟知;了解

    7.the “new” renewables: wind and solar power

      the “old” renewables: hydroelectric and nuclear power

    8.take the lead 领先,起示范作用

    9.No, that's the exception, not the rule. 这是特例不是规律。暗示不易推行。

    10.sources accounted for only 7% of electricity

         或者take up 采取(份额),占据(比例)

    11.In terms of reducing climate risks there is a long way to go.

    (口语)Way to go! 干的不错,继续下去!keep it up

    It goes a long way to achieving your purpose. 朝着目标迈出很大一步/起到作用/作出贡献。

    12.bring/come with 随着···而来

    13.Renewables are still on the pricey side in many places. 这里不直接用expensive减弱语气,表示向贵的方向走

    14.This suggests that their growth might soon need a lot less subsidy than it has attracted to date. than后省略what

    15.persuade the new American administration of the benefits of a revenue-neutral economy-wide carbon tax


    16.demand is in decline/dropping/going down/under decline

    17.(price) slump 价格软弱无力,扶不起来

    fall/drop/plunge/go down hill

    18.split in two 可分成不同比例的两半

        split in half 分成相同的两半

    19.write off (money)折价为···

    write-off (Finance)a cancellation from an account of a bad debt or worthless asset (财政)(坏账或无用资产的)注销;勾销    write off bad debts是指冲销坏账

    20.marginal cost 边际成本  在现有基础上多生产一个单元产品的成本的增加量

    marginal benefit 边际效益


    renewables 边际成本低

    21.cannibalise       (of a company) reduce (the sales of one of its products) by introducing a similar, competing product(公司通过推出具竞争性的同类产品)减少(另一产品销量);蚕食

    22.go some way to bucking this trend 抵抗

    # One or two companies have managed to buck the trend of the recession.有一两家公司顶住了经济滑坡的势头。

    23.death by a thousand cuts

    Part Two 感悟







          本文标题:精读|Renewable Energy Day 3
