Power grab: Australian politics
① The country may today get its fifth prime minister in six years.
② Malcolm Turnbull, a moderate leader of the conservative Liberal Party, has lost control.
③ Last week a staunchly conservative cabal within his party refused to support a signature energy bill.
④ By Tuesday the prime minister had narrowly survived a leadership challenge by his immigration-averse home-affairs minister, Peter Dutton.
⑤ Mr Dutton immediately resigned, and has launched an open campaign for the premiership.
⑥ At least ten Liberal ministers offered resignations as well.
⑦ Mr Turnbull refused all but two, but has haemorrhaged support.
⑧ Reports suggest that his premiership now rests on the vote of a single senator, Mathias Cormann—a friend of Mr Dutton.
⑨ His allies are clamouring for another party meeting, which would have to take place today, or in two weeks' time when politicians return to parliament.
⑩ A federal election is due by next year.
⑪ Whoever comes out on top, the Liberals are mortally divided.