《围城》 的一小段伤感对话

《围城》 的一小段伤感对话

作者: 秋沼芰荷 | 来源:发表于2024-09-17 12:16 被阅读0次
人事太忙了, 不许我们全神贯注, 无间断地怀念一个人。我们一生对于最亲爱的人的想念, 加起来恐怕不到一点钟, 此外不过是念头在他身上瞥过, 想到而已。
情敌的彼此想念, 比情人的彼此想念还要多。
Life keeps people too busy. It doesn’t allow us to focus our full attention and yearn for someone without interruption. The time we spend in a whole lifetime thinking about the person we love most probably wouldn't add up to one whole hour. Beyond that our thoughts just brush past him. We're only thinking about him.
Love rivals think about each other more often than lovers do.





鸿渐晚上睡不着的时候, 自惜自怜, 愈想愈懊悔这次的来。与李梅亭顾尔谦等为伍, 就是可耻的堕落。这十来天的旅行磨得一个人志气消沉。

一天他跟辛楣散步, 听见一个卖花生的小贩讲家乡话, 问起来果然是同乡, 逃难流落在此的。这小贩只淡淡说声住在本县城里那条街, 并不向他诉苦经, 借回乡盘缠, 鸿渐又放心、又感慨道: “这人准碰过不知多少同乡的钉子, 所以不再开口了。我真不敢想要历过多少挫折, 才磨练到这种死心塌地的境界。”

辛楣笑他颓丧, 说:“你这样经不起打击, 一辈子恋爱不会成功。”

鸿渐道: “谁像你肯在苏小姐身上花二十年的工夫。”

辛楣道: “我这几天来心里也闷, 昨天半夜醒来, 忽然心酸想苏文纨会不会有时候想到我。”

鸿渐想起唐晓芙和自己, 心像火焰的舌头突跳而起, 说: “想到你还是想你? 我们一天要想到不知多少人, 亲戚、朋友、仇人, 以及不相干的见过面的人。真正想一个人, 记挂着他,希望跟他接近, 这少得很。人事太忙了, 不许我们全神贯注, 无间断地怀念一个人。我们一生对于最亲爱的人的想念, 加起来恐怕不到一点钟, 此外不过是念头在他身上瞥过, 想到而已。”

辛楣笑道: “我总希望,你将来会分几秒钟给我。告诉你罢, 我第一次碰到你以后, 倒常常想你, 念念不释地恨你, 可惜我没有看表, 计算时间。”

鸿渐道: “你看, 情敌的彼此想念, 比情人的彼此想念还要多一一那时候也许苏小姐真在梦见你, 所以你会忽然想到她。”

辛楣道: “人家哪里有工夫梦见我们这种孤魂野鬼。并且她已经是曹元朗的人了, 要梦见我就是对她丈夫不忠实。”

鸿渐瞧他的正经样儿, 笑得打跌道: “你这位政治家真是独裁的作风! 谁做你的太太, 做梦也不能自由, 你要派特务工作人员去侦察她的潜意识。”

At night when he couldn't fall asleep, Hung- chien would feel sorry for himself,regretting more and more that he had come. Associating with people like Li Mei-t'ing and Ku Er-chien was such a shameful debasement. The last ten or fifteen days of travel had been wearing enough to sap his will.

One day, strolling with Hsin-mei, he heard a peanut vendor speaking in his native dialect. When he questioned the vendor, he found that the vendor was in fact a fellow villager who had ended up there as a refugee. The vendor simply stated on which street he lived in the county seat, neither complaining to him of the hardships he had suffered nor asking to borrow money to go home.

Both relieved and moved,Hung-chien said,“He must have met with so many rebuffs from his fellow villagers that he’s stopped talking about it. I really don't care to think how many setbacks I'll have to go through before I become hardened into such a state of utter despair as that. "

Hsin-mei laughed at him for getting so downhearted and said, “If you can't take a blow any better than that, you'll never have a successful love affair."

Hung-chien said, “Who’s willing to spend something like twenty years on Miss Su like you did?”

“I’ve been feeling depressed lately myself,” admitted Hsin-mei. “I woke up in the middle of the night last night and suddenly started wondering if Su Wen-wan ever thought of me. "

Reminded of himself and Tang Hsiao-fu,Hung-chien's heart suddenly flared up like a tongue of flame, and he asked,“Think about you or miss you? We must think about any number of people in one day -relatives,friends, enemies, and even people who have nothing to do with us that we've met before. To really miss someone, keep him constantly in mind, and wish to be close to him is pretty rare. Life keeps people too busy. It doesn’t allow us to focus our full attention and yearn for someone without interruption. The time we spend in a whole lifetime thinking about the person we love most probably wouldn't add up to one whole hour. Beyond that our thoughts just brush past him. We're only thinking about him.”

Smiling,Hsin-mei said,“Well, I hope you can spare me a few seconds of your time in the future. I'll tell you one thing. After that first time I met you, I was always thinking about you and never stopped hating you for a moment. Too bad I never checked my watch and added up the time.”

“You see,” saidHung-chien,“love rivals think about each other more often than lovers do.Maybe Miss Su really was dreaming of you then, which is why you suddenly thought of her."

“How does anyone have time to dream about lost lonely souls like us? Besides, she belongs to Ts’ so Yian-lang now. If she's dreaming of me, then she's being unfaithful to her husband."

Seeing how serious he was, Hung-chien doubled up with laughter.“You politician, you really are a tyrant! Whoever becomes your wife won 't even be free to dream. You'll send secret agents out to spy on her unconscious. ”



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      本文标题:《围城》 的一小段伤感对话
