A: 你不知道? B: 我应该知道?
A: 你不知道?B: 我应该知道?
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artif...
是最早提出Federated learning这个概念的论文,可以说是FL的开山之作。 We advocate a...
最近阅读了两篇关于联邦学习的论文,《Communication-Efficient Learning of Dee...
efficient If a product is efficient, it can work well wit...
Efficient. If a product is efficient, it can work well wi...
Communication The Cardigans For twenty-seven years I've b...
世界吻你以痛 世界爱你以悲 世界只是想让你知道更多 怕温柔过了头你忘记生存 情绪总是最难以捉摸的东西 有些时候它像...
Communication is very important in your life. It may make...
本文标题:Efficient communication