Peak Valley 峰谷

Peak Valley 峰谷

作者: Juliexxx | 来源:发表于2019-01-03 17:47 被阅读0次

    Peak Valley 峰谷

    Alexandra Suich Bass US technology editor, The EconomistSAN FRANCISCO

    Silicon Valley willlose some of its lustre 硅谷将丧失其光彩

    THE COMING year will mark the 80th anniversary of Silicon Valley’s original startup. In 1939 Bill Hewlett and David Packard founded their fledgling company,Hewlett-Packard, in a garage near Stanford University. Their success would inspire a generation of entrepreneurs to pursue invention and creation against all odds. Today that garage isdesignated one of California’s historic landmarks. But what it represents—a cheap place to tinker and launch a company in Silicon Valley—is also becoming a thing of history.

    Fledglinga person, organization, or system that is new or without experience. 新的; 无经验的(人、组织、系统)初出茅庐的

    Hewlett-Packard : HP由比尔·休利特和戴维·帕卡德于1939年创建。该公司建在帕罗奥多市的一间汽车库里,第一个产品是声频振荡器,它是音响工程师使用的电子测试仪器。 1934年,刚从斯坦福大学电气工程系毕业的戴维·帕卡德(Dave Packard)和比尔·休利特(Bill Hewlett)去科罗拉多山脉进行了一次为期两周的垂钓野外露营。由于彼此对很多事情的看法一致,而结成一对挚友。此后,比尔在斯坦福大学和麻省理工学院继续研究生学业,而戴维则在通用电气公司找到一份工作。斯坦福大学教授及导师Fred Terman的鼓励和支持,二人决定开办公司并自己经营。1938年,戴维夫妇迁居至加利福尼亚州帕罗奥多市艾迪森大街376号。比尔·休利特就在这栋房子后面租了一间小屋。比尔和戴维用538美元作为流动资金,并利用业余时间在车库里开展工作。比尔利用其研究课题负反馈研制成功了惠普第一台产品:阻容式声频振荡器(HP200A),这是一种用于测试音响设备的电子仪器。 

    即将到来的2019年标志着硅谷创业80周年。1939年,Bill Hewlett 和 David Packard在斯坦福大学附近的车库创立了他们的初创公司--惠普。他们的成功激励了一代企业家突破万难,追求创新与创造。如今,这一车库已经成为加州具有历史意义的地标之一,但其代表的是:位于硅谷的设立公司一个廉价的地点,已经成为历史。

    The San Francisco Bay Area, in which Silicon Valley sits, is still the world’s leading technology hub. In 2017 venture capitalists invested $24.3bn in companies based in the region—one-third of the total they invested across all America.The area boasts potent combination of talented entrepreneurs and engineers, proximity to top-notch research universities, alarge pool of venture capital and a culture of risk-taking. It is the birthplace of many leading technology firms, including Apple, Alphabet (Google’s parent company), Facebook, Netflix and Tesla. As an ecosystem, it has repeatedly spawned and embraced disruption,rebounding from every bust and defying critics who have predictedits demise.


    Yet despite its many clear advantages, Silicon Valley will experience a “techsodus” in 2019, as it becomes a less attractive place for startups to launch and grow. There are three reasons for this shift. First, Silicon Valley has produced tools that make it possible to run a company from anywhere—or everywhere. Through a combination of messaging apps, video-conferencing, productivity software, goal-setting tools and more, startups are becoming “distributed” entities, with employees sprinkled around the world. That means more startups will be able to capitalise on Silicon Valley’s expertise and talent base withoutneeding to be there.



    Second, Silicon Valley is becoming less attractive because it is no longer possible to innovate there on a shoestring budget. The cost of living in San Francisco is now the highest in America; a family living on less than $120,000 is considered “low income”by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.These high costs mean fewer people can afford to risk going to work for anunproven startup, and more people will go elsewhere. In 2017 several countiesin the Bay Area saw their largest combined domestic outward migrations inaround a decade. Some 21% of San Francisco-based users of Redfin, a propertyfirm, say they are looking to move away.

    shoestring budgetinformal if you do somethingon a shoestring,you do it without spending much money 以极少的钱〔做某事〕

    ADJ A shoestring budget is one where you have very little money to spend. (预算) 小额的


    According to CBRE, a commercial-property firm, it costs $62.4m a year to run a 500-person company with 7,000 square metres (75,350 square feet) of office in San Francisco—around 50% more than in Portland andAtlanta, and double what it costs in Vancouver and Toronto. In 2019 moreentrepreneurs will favour other cities to launch their firms, or will quicklyopen a second office elsewhere in order to scale up outside the Bay Area.


    A final reason why Silicon Valley is losing some of itsdynamism is the looming presenceofthe tech giants. Today’s leading technology firms are more powerful,nimble and expansive intheir ambitions than any generation of company before them, which leaves lessspace for startups to flourish.“It was never quite this dominated. You always had bigger companies, but you never had anything quite like this,” says Peter Thiel, a venture capitalist and board member of Facebook. He is leaving the Bay Area for Los Angeles, and predicts that the Bay Area’s power relative to other tech hubs is on the wane.

    Looming presence:

    On the wane: 逐渐衰落; 日落西山;日益衰落; 凋零


    Valley of dreams 梦之硅谷

    The stifling impact of the tech giants affects the marketplace for ideas everywhere, andespecially the market for talent in the Bay Area. Because the giants are sosuccessful, they can afford to throw huge sums in cash and stock at employees,even middle managers, making it extremely challenging for startups to hire.Engineers with graduate degrees in artificial intelligence are now paid likeprofessional athletes,fetchingcompensation of $5m-10m a year. Cities that are farther away from the techgiants’tentacles canhelp startups hire affordably and reduce the risk of their employees being poached.

    Fetching: attractive,迷人的

    Tentacle[plural,复数] theinfluence or effect that something has on other people or things - used to showdisapproval 影响;束缚;约束〔含贬义〕

    Poachtopersuade someone who belongs to another organization, team etc to leave it andjoin yours, especially in a secret or dishonest way 挖走〔公司、球队等的成员〕


    Silicon Valley has become a victim of its own success.There is no single place that will replace it as the world’s leading tech hub, but many other places will benefit, including LosAngeles, Portland, Dallas, Toronto, London, Berlin, Beijing and Shenzhen. If this shift causes innovation to become more geographically diverse andinclusive, that would be a welcome development.


    But if Silicon Valley becomes like Wall Street, dominatedby a few too-big-to-fail firms, with a culture oriented only towards money,that would be a pity. Silicon Valley has created so many world-changinginventions because of its density of startups, casual networks, willingness toembrace risk and belief that it was possible for upstarts to dislodge incumbents. The coming yearwill test whether Silicon Valley can maintain its edge as innovators aretempted to set up shop elsewhere.

    Dislodge: to make someone leave a place or lose a position of power,驱逐、赶走





          本文标题:Peak Valley 峰谷
