Install plugins
Click File->Settings->Plugin
. You will see the following windows. There are three ways to install plugins. If you want to install it online, you can click the first two buttons. Then search the plugins you want to install. If you want to install a plugin through a jar file, you should click the last one, and locate your jar file to install.
If you are familiar with Sublime Text and get used to it, this plugin will absolutely suit for you. It can add a sidebar aside the AS just like the Sublime Text. Besides, you can change font color like Sublime Text through importing settings. You can download the settings.jar file there.
This plugin can transfer a JSON string to java bean quickly, saving your valuable time.
You can use wifi to connect your phone with AS, and debug your application through wifi. The important thing is that this plugin doesn't need a root permission.At the first time, you should connect your phone to the computer with USB cable, and click ADB USB to WIFI.
This plugin can be used to debug API interface.
Sexy Editor
You may found that the picture I have shown above has a background picture in the coding area. If you also want to do so, install the wonderful plugin. After installed, you can add picture through File->Settings->Other Settings->Sexy Editor
. Scroll to the end and click Add image(s)
You can use this plugin to record your code time. Visit WakeTime official website to see your coding time.
Material Theme UI
This plugin can beautify your IDE using the material theme. There are three themes for you.
Auto generator findViewById code in Activity or Adapter(ViewHolder) etc.