- Manifest merger failed : Attribu
- Manifest merger failed : Attribu
- Manifest merger failed : Attribu
- Manifest merger failed : Attribu
- Manifest merger failed : Attribu
- Manifest merger failed : Attribu
- AndroidX与Android Support包不兼容问题的解
- Andorid工程编译常见问题
- 编译出现:Manifest merger failed with
- Manifest merger failed with mult
for fix the confilct: android:appComponentFactory in support-appcompat and androidx.core jar
See this: https://developer.android.com/jetpack/androidx/#new-project
solved: set these in gradle.properties,
#When set to true, the Android plugin uses the appropriate AndroidX library instead of a Support Library. The flag is false by default if it is not specified.
#When set to true, the Android plugin automatically migrates existing third-party libraries to use AndroidX by rewriting their binaries. The flag is false by default if it is not specified.