cursor 2024-09-06

cursor 2024-09-06

作者: daydaygo | 来源:发表于2024-09-22 15:57 被阅读0次

    Code Smarter, Not Harder: Developing with Cursor and Claude Sonnet

    Code Smarter, Not Harder: Developing with Cursor and Claude Sonnet | Juan Stoppa

    • cmd K
    • Composer mode: One important feature still in beta is the composer mode, it gives you the ability to create a multi-step chat with the model to generate more complex code. This feature is not configured by default so you’ll need to enable in File > Prefereces > Cursor Settings > Features > Enable Composer
    brew install node
    # 这一步耗时很久, 虽然设置了mirror
    npm config -g set registry https://registry.npmmirror.com
    npx create-next-app@latest # added 368 packages in 1m

    后续使用 composer mode, 使用提示词自动生成代码

    create an app what allows you to search any stock in the market and show them in a graph timeline with the value in the last 20 years.
    make sure
    - add any new library to package.json so I can easily install them
    - any new file should be inside the folder /src/app
    - modify /src/app files so the page loads the stock page directly
    - use the free yahoo finance API and make the API call from the server side to avoid CORS issues
    - the page should work if it's opened in a system where the default setting is dark mode

    生成后, 运行查看效果

    npm run dev



          本文标题:cursor 2024-09-06
