

作者: 莫铭 | 来源:发表于2019-03-06 17:22 被阅读3次


    Controlling Your View

    To rotate your view: hold the middle mouse button and drag around.
    To zoom your view: use the mouse scroll wheel
    To pan up and down: hold down Shift and use the mouse scroll wheel
    To pan right and left: hold down Control and use the mouse scroll wheel



    Selecting Objects

    To select an object: click it with the right mouse button.
    To deselect an object: shift-click it with the right mouse button.
    To toggle selecting all objects or no objects: press the A key.

    Deleting Objects

    click the cube with the right mouse button, press the X key, and choose Delete.

    3D Cursor

    The 3D cursor shows you where new objects will be added.

    To set the position of the 3D cursor in your scene, click on your scene with the left mouse button.

    To reset your 3D cursor to the origin, choose Object > Snap > Cursor to Center; if you’re a fan of keyboard shortcuts, hit Shift + S > Cursor to Center.

    Adding Objects

    press Shift-A to display the “Add” menu.

    Select the Cylinder shape

    Now that you have a cylinder in your scene, check the left-hand panel to see which options are available to edit your shape.

    These only appear immediately after you add the object and before you’ve done any other editing, so now’s your chance to get the settings right!



    Command-Z keystroke to undo your last action.

    Transforming Objects in Object Mode

    Transforming with Shortcut Keys

    To use the shortcut keys to transform the object, first ensure the object is selected.
    Next, press the appropriate key to begin the action, and then move the mouse to start the transform.

    • Move: G
    • Scale: S
    • Rotate: R

    You can constrain transforms to a particular axis by pressing X, Y, or Z. Therefore if you only want to scale along the Z axis, press S (then release) and then press Z (then release). You can only constrain to one axis at a time.

    To accept the changes, click the left mouse button; to discard the changes, click the right mouse button.

    Transforming with the X,Y,Z Handles

    The second method to transform your object gives you a little more control by using the blue, green and red arrows that show up when you select an object.


    Transforming with the Properties Panel


    A note about measuring distance in Blender: distance in a 3D space is entirely relative. Blender measures distance by using Blender Units which corresponds to one grid space in the 3D viewport.

    If you’re a stickler for traditional measurements, you have the option of switching to Metric or Imperial measurements. Simply select the scene icon in the properties panel, then select your desired measurement system as shown below:


    Editing Objects in Edit Mode

    To enter Edit mode, select the object to be edited and press Tab.

    You’ll see that the object turns yellow and all of the edges highlight. Look down to the bottom toolbar, to three icons that show little cubes. These icons tell you which select mode you are in: vertex mode (left icon), edge mode (middle icon), or face mode (right icon), as shown below:


    Loop Cut and Slide

    To add segments, locate the Loop Cut and Slide function on the left-hand side of the screen, as shown:


    If you dont found the Loop Cut and Slide function. Be sure you are in EditMode.

    Selecting Vertices, Edges, and Faces

    Use Shift+ right mouse could do the multi selection.
    Or you can simplify by:

    Box Select

    In EditMode, press B for Box Select mode, hold down the left mouse button and draw a box that encloses the edges you want to select.

    Circle Select

    In EditMode, press C for Circle Select. The dotted white circle indicates the selection area in use. Scroll up or down to increase or decrease the radius of the selection circle;

    Lasso Select(套索选择)

    In EditMode, hold down Control and press the left mouse button. Drag the cursor around; you’ll see a dotted white outline around your selection.

    selecting edge loops

    selecting edge loops: Hold down Option (or Alt), and click the right mouse button on one of the loop edges.
    selecting multi edge loops: Shift + Option and clicking the right mouse button

    Transforming Edges, Vertices, and Faces

    very similar to transforming the entire object.

    Using the Extrude Transform

    switch to Face Select mode, Select wanna Extrude Faces.
    Go to the left tool panel, and click on Extrude Region.
    Moving Mouse to extrude and Click the left mouse button to confirm the transform.

    Changing the Object Origin

    switch to vertex select, select the pivot vertex.
    Now press Shift-S and choose Cursor to Selected. The 3D cursor will move to the vertex that is selected. Hit A to deselect all.
    switch to Object Mode
    Go to the tool shelf and choose Origin > Origin to 3D Cursor.


    Now you can move the object by placing its origin at the coordinates (0,0,0), which will put your mushroom’s base squarely on the XY plane.


    • Applying a material
    • Unwrapping the mesh into a 2D texture that you can paint on (called a UV wrap)
    • Painting on the UV wrap

    Applying a Material

    Select the mesh, Go over to the Properties panel, and click the Materials icon, as below:


    Unwrapping the Mesh

    The next step is to “unwrap” the mesh so that you have a flat “canvas” to paint on.
    You can only unwrap the mesh in Edit mode, so switch to Edit mode now (by pressing tab).

    Drag out a new window by clicking the triangle at the top right of the window
    Change the left window to be a UV/Image Editor by clicking the little cube icon at the bottom left of the screen and choosing UV/Image Editor, as below:


    hit A to select all. Choose Mesh from the bottom toolbar of the 3D view, choose UV Unwrap > Smart UV Project, and select the default options when the popup appears by clicking OK.
    And you will got some thing like blow:


    The way this mapped out, your mesh isn’t very easy to paint on. The good thing is, you can tell Blender to unwrap the mesh differently for different faces!

    Go back to the 3D view and deselect all with the A key. Turn on the transparency toggle icon and position the view as shown below:


    Now, unwrap the mesh again by choosing Mesh >UV Unwrap > Unwrap. Here’s what you should see in your UV Editor:

    Ah — that looks a lot easier to edit. You can edit the UV mesh in the same way that you would edit the object in Edit mode in the 3D viewer.
    Once the desired mesh items have been selected, press the shortcut key (G, S, or R) for the transform you wish to use.

    Give it a try by scaling down the mushroom head island mesh so it takes less of the space available.
    uv editor view只会显示mesh中选中的面的uv,不是数据丢失,当全选时就会再次出现。

    Creating the Texture


    Go back to your 3D window, and click on the Display icon in the bottom toolbar. It’s currently set to Solid, but choose Texture instead. Now the 3D view will display your texture as you edit it so that you can see the result of what you are doing.


    Note that some of your mushroom’s faces are black. That’s going to make it hard to see the colors as you apply them. You need to place more lights around your mushroom so that you can see it better.

    Hit Tab to go back to Object Mode; lamps can only be added in Object Mode.

    switch to Edit mode. Press A to select all, and you will see your UV show up on the UV Editor.
    Click the New button at the bottom of the UV Editor to add a new image behind the meshes.

    You’ve got the red for the top of the mushroom – now you need to paint the other colors on to the mushroom.

    In your 3D view, go down to the Mode button (where it says Edit Mode) and choose Texture Paint mode, as so:


    这里遇到:进入Texture Paint模式后,左边Tools面板出现MissingData的错误。
    解决方法:进入左边的Slots面板,选择PaintingMode:Image, 选择刚才保存的Canvas Image。再切回Tools面板即可。


    scroll down the panel to find Curve. Click the arrow next to Curve to expand its options, as so:


    Curve defines how color is transferred with your brush. Currently, you have a curve that gives your brushstrokes a soft edge, as the opacity decreases gradually toward the outside of the brush. You want a nice crisp edge on your circles – no dropoff in opacity – so choose the icon on the bottom right to set a constant opacity:


    You’ll notice that when the brush overlaps another plane tilted away from the view, the brushstroke will be distorted somewhat, as illustrated below:


    We can paint on the uv directly:
    go to the UV Editor to paint the stalk by selecting the Paint view as shown below:


    Increase the size of the brush by pressing F and dragging the brush circle bigger with the left mouse button.

    Exporting Files

    导出时的朝向需要注意,使用fbx导出,勾选Apply Transform选项。
    Blender:-y 对应 Unity3D:z
    Blender:-x 对应 Unity3D:x



