2017年第5篇 英语笔记--公共建筑设计时应该考虑的因素(上)

2017年第5篇 英语笔记--公共建筑设计时应该考虑的因素(上)

作者: 莉莉安蓁妮 | 来源:发表于2018-12-26 09:39 被阅读0次


    discussing  the factors the architect need to consider when disigning the public building

    1功能 .function

    2.物理位置分析和社会意义  context(physical location/social meaning )

    3.中心思想 central symbolic idea

    we' ve been discussingthe factors the architect  need to consider when disigning the demestic building.I'm going to  move onnow to consider the disign of the public building.

    And i'll illustrate this by referring the new taylor concert hall that's recently been completed here in the city.

    .So as with the domestic building,when designing the pubic building,an architect need to consider the function of the building, for example,isit to be used primarily  for entertaiment ,or education ,or for the adminstration.

    The  sencond thingthe architect need to think about is  the context of the building,this includes the  physical location obviously but also includes the social meaning of the building,how it relates to the people it's building for.

    And finallyforimportant pubic buildings,the architect may also be looking for a central symbolic idea on which to base the design, a sort of metaphor for the building and  the way in which it is used.

    案例分析:The New Taylor Concert Hall

    分析地理特点location chosen

    The location chosenwas a stie that on arun-down distrcitwhich has been ingored in theprevious redevelopment  plan. It wasoccupideby a factory that had been empty for some years. The whole areawas some distance fromthe high-rise block of the central bussiness  districtand shopping center, but it was only  one kilometer from the ringroad.

    The site itselfis boreded tothe north  by a canal which had been used by  boats bringingraw materialswhen the area was used for manufacturing.

    The architect chosen was Tom Harrion.

    发现设计难度,遇到挑战 challenge------ He found that the main design challenge was the location of the site in an area that had no neighbouringbuilding of any importance.


    提出中心思想——秘密。To  reflect the  fact that the significance of building in this quite run-down location was yet unknown,he decide to creat a building centred around the idea of a mystery-----something whose meaning still has to be discoverd.


    So how was this reflect in the design of the building?

    1.利用水资源,建造一条人行通道。Well ,Harron decided to create pedestrain access to the building and make use of the presence of the wateron the site.


    As people approachthe entrance they therefore have to across the brige .He wanted to give peoplea feeling of suspenceas they see the building firstfrom a distance ,and thenclose-up,andthe initial impressionhe wanted to creat from the shape of the building as a whole was that of a box.

    3.功能展示——盒子的外墙可以作为投影屏。The first side that the people see was the sourthern wall ,which is a high and flat wall,uninterrupted by any windows.That might sound off-putting, but it supports harron's concept of the building that the person approaching is intrigued and wonder what will be inside.And the flat wall also has another purpose. At night-time project are swithched on and it functioned  as a huge screen onto which the image are projected.



          本文标题:2017年第5篇 英语笔记--公共建筑设计时应该考虑的因素(上)
