

作者: peizhenjy | 来源:发表于2017-10-11 16:40 被阅读17次


    14.An unbiased observer of everyday encounters in Western societies would surely not

    find many instances of unkindness by people under 65 toward people over 65.

    There are undoubtedly incidents of unkindness based on age, and these warrant

    reproof. However, the very fact that such reproof occurs and is generally

    accepted implies that our Western societies basically respect the elderly. The

    same conclusion can be drawn from a recent survey finding: 71 percent of the

    under 65 population agreed with the statement that“people over 65 receive too little respect from

    society”, whileonly 44 percent of the over-65 population, the target of the allegedirreverence agreed with it.

    The author concludes that Western societiesbasically respect the elderly partly because

    (A) people under 65 are just as kind to people over65 as they are to people of their own age group

    (B) survey data suggest that fewer people over 65than under 65 get too little respect

    (C) disrespect for the elderly does not go so faras to result in actual harm

    (D) survey data suggest that people over 65 are

    more aware of incidents involving disrespect to the elderly than are people

    under 65(E)

    (E) incidents of unkindness to the elderly areneither common nor generally accepted in Western societies

    15.Alow-pressure weather system is approaching Plainville; rainfall results fromabout 70 percent of such systems in the Plainville area. Moreover, the currentseason, spring, is the time of year in which thundershowers, which sometimesresult from low-pressure systems, are most likely to occur in Plainville.

    Knowing which one of the following, in addition tothe information above, would be most useful for determining the probabilitythat Plainville will have a thundershower soon?

    (A) the percentage of thundershowers in Plainvillethat occur in the spring

    (B) the percentage of spring rainfalls inPlainville that are thundershowers

    (C) the percentage of thundershowers in Plainvillethat result from low-pressure systems

    (D) whether low-pressure systems in other areas areassociated with rainfall

    (E) whether Plainville has more or fewerthundershowers each spring than do near by towns.




