

作者: Nancy_fc64 | 来源:发表于2020-04-20 10:57 被阅读0次


    艺术往往源自于生活!梦幻,魔幻,虚幻轮番上演的2020年教会我们必须认识到,有些问题处理不当的话容易造成非常严重的后果,所以我们有必要提前了解掌握一些紧急处理措施。 刹车失效,预防大于补救。


















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    “Pegasus”, a movie themed racing cars, opened across the country at the period of Spring Festival 2019, and ever brought a hit to the box-office at that time. The movie tells a story that the racing driver Chi Zhang, try every means to take part in a racing game. In the course, the brake disc is broken a little by gravel, and the brake system is overheating in the final dash for finish. And in the end he and his car win the game but rush to the cliff due to braking failure.

    Art always originates from life. The year of 2020, with fantasticality, incredibility and dreamlike reality being staged one after another, teaches us if some problems are not well coped with, they may give rise to terrible consequences. Therefore it is of much necessity to learn and have good command of response measures in special emergent situations.In regard to brake failure, prevention beats remediation for ever.

    First of all let’s

    have an analysis of what make brake failure. Generally speaking, there are

    following reasons.

    (1) Brake fluid goes deteriorated due to water absorption,getting its boiling point lower. And in this situation, vaporization occurs atbraking to be developed into air resistance, declining the braking performance.

    (2) Brake line is damaged to leak brake fluid, resulting in incapable transfer of the acting force onto the brake pedal to the brake partsin wheels.

    (3) Brake aid is incapable because of broken brake booster diaphragm or vacuum pipe, leading to the brake pedal being unable to step down.This significant decline of brake force gives the drivers a false sense of“brake failure”. 

    (4) Vehicles are equipped with brake pads or brake discs in poor quality. Repeated braking at long downhill section or braking with heavy load (overload), the brake parts will have the problem of heat fading, which sharply declines the brake force.

    (5) Brake pads and brake discs are not checked regularly, resulting in over wear. And then as the terminal executive parts of braking, they can not generate sufficient friction to stop vehicles, leading to brake failure.

    After learning the predominant reasons for brake failure, we should be aware of how important to check the brake system in ordinary use. Therefore it is strongly recommended to have your vehicles maintained periodically in repair shops with qualifications, and to choose qualified brake parts all the time.


    For a long while after the “Pegasus”, netizens of car lovers are quite high on the topic online how to operate magically avoiding or mitigating the final tragedy.  Such as,why not apply parking brake? Is it workable to brake by the engine after downshifting? How about jumping off the car after shifting down? ……



    Well, now back to reality. What if in the event of brake failure on the way?


    (1) First and foremost, calm down in this emergent situation and release the gas pedal and turn on hazard warning lights (emergency flashers) to warn other drivers. So that the others will be alert and keep away from yours, even they don’t know what happened to your vehicle.

    (2) In some case, the brake doesn’t absolutely fail, but remaining a little braking force to be felt like brakeless. Then the driver is suggested to step down the brake pedal repeatedly and rapidly, so as to act the remaining braking force onto the wheels, containing the speed as hard as possible.

    (3) If the vehicle is of manual transmission, shift down one gear in this situation, in an attampt to implement engine braking by revving up the engine. And a couple seconds later, downshift into another lower gear, repeatedly until into the lowest gear.

    (4) If your vehicle is of automatic transmission, switch into manual mode to enforce transmission downshift, performing engine braking. While in case of no manual mode in the vehicle, check whether there is L tap position at transmission shift lever, which means low gear, being able to carry out engine braking.

    When the vehicle slows down to about 30km/h, try to pull up the hand grip to stop the vehicle by parking brake. It is notable that parking brake, only acting brake to rear wheels, once being pulled up quickly, is liable to lock the rear wheels, resulting in drifting. On account of this, the hand grip should be pulled up gently, and be released moderately once there are signs of drifting. For electronic controlled parking brake, system is generally able to supervise the vehicle speed and wheels to be locked, and then make control accordingly, without requiring the driver’s involvement.

    (6) Once all the means above remain not able to stop the vehicle, or there is no time to put those means in operation on then traffic condition, it requires the driver to find some barriers, such as median barrier, wall or bush etc., to compel the vehicle to stop. But because this way easily leaves the vehicle out of control,it is suggested to run into the barriers cautiously, and gently if possible.  And in the meanwhile the occupants inside should keep belt up and sitting properly to mitigate or minimize the damage from collisions.

    RoadHouse here reminds you:Although the situation Chi Zhang comes across is an artistical amplification of real life, the brake system, to no one’s doubt, as a pivotal safety part, is essential to secure our driving. Periodical maintenance to brake system is necessary. And brake pads, brake discs and brake fluid should be replaced in at timely manner, following the maitenance requirements.  Last but not least, buy the brake parts and brake fluid with quality guaranteed. Stay tune for our next post with the topic of how to inspect the brake parts in regular maintenance and what symptom we should be on alert. 




