使用 Hive 炸裂函数 explode (map

使用 Hive 炸裂函数 explode (map

作者: 光剑书架上的书 | 来源:发表于2021-12-21 17:43 被阅读0次

    Hive 炸裂函数 explode(map<string,string>) 宽表转高表SQL:

    'user_stats_public' as table_code,
    explode(kv) as (field_code,field_value)
    (   select 
        -1 as shop_id,
        abs(hash(user_id) % 20000) as  slice_id, 
        'gender', gender,
        'age', age,
        'activeness_level' , activeness_level,
        'consuming_level' , consuming_level,
        'pay_amt_td_level' , pay_amt_td_level,
        'old_ecom_user' , old_ecom_user
        ) as kv
    from  ecom_kunlun.types_mapping_table_13_1639904624993 
    where date = max_pt('ecom_kunlun.types_mapping_table_13_1639904624993') ) a;

    explode() : Usage Examples

    explode (array)

    select explode(array('A','B','C'));
    select explode(array('A','B','C')) as col;
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(array('A','B','C')) tf;
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(array('A','B','C')) tf as col;

    explode (map)

    select explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30));
    select explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30)) as (key,value);
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30)) tf;
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view explode(map('A',10,'B',20,'C',30)) tf as key,value;

    posexplode (array)

    select posexplode(array('A','B','C'));
    select posexplode(array('A','B','C')) as (pos,val);
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view posexplode(array('A','B','C')) tf;
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view posexplode(array('A','B','C')) tf as pos,val;

    inline (array of structs)

    select inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02')));
    select inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02'))) as (col1,col2,col3);
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02'))) tf;
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view inline(array(struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01'),struct('B',20,date '2016-02-02'))) tf as col1,col2,col3;

    stack (values)

    select stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01');
    select stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') as (col0,col1,col2);
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') tf;
    select tf.* from (select 0) t lateral view stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') tf as col0,col1,col2;

    Using the syntax "SELECT udtf(col) AS colAlias..." has a few limitations:

    • No other expressions are allowed in SELECT
      • SELECT pageid, explode(adid_list) AS myCol... is not supported
    • UDTF's can't be nested
      • SELECT explode(explode(adid_list)) AS myCol... is not supported
    • GROUP BY / CLUSTER BY / DISTRIBUTE BY / SORT BY is not supported
      • SELECT explode(adid_list) AS myCol ... GROUP BY myCol is not supported

    Please see LanguageManual LateralView for an alternative syntax that does not have these limitations.

    Also see Writing UDTFs if you want to create a custom UDTF.





          本文标题:使用 Hive 炸裂函数 explode (map
