1. The Late Bloomer really was a bunch of hokum.
hokum: [ˈhəʊkəm] informal, sth that seems true or impressive but that is wrong or not sincere 做作的电影(或戏剧等);愚蠢的想法(或论点等)
All that talk is just a bunch of hokum.
What a bunch of hokum!
2. I remember a woman who said she broke up with a bona fide American Hero because they didn't have a good conversation.
bona fide: [ˌbəʊnə ˈfaɪdi] (a.) real, true, and not intended to deceive anyone 真实的
Only bona fide members are allowed to use the club pool.
bona fide purchaser 善意购买人
3. "They should put that on the box," A.J. quips.
quip: (n.) a quick and clever remark 俏皮话
(v.) to make a quick and clever remark
4. She considers leaving the store open and letting someone else rut it during the week, but the plan isn't tenable.
tenable: 1.(理论、想法等)说得过去的;站得住脚的;2. (尤指大学中的工作、职位等)可保有;可保持
The old idea that this work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable.
The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years.
今天读完了这本The Storied Life of A.J.Fikry。虽然故事的结尾有点悲伤,Fikry去世了,Amelia和Maya离开了,Fikry的警察朋友Lambaste买下了书店延续了这一岛上书店,而Amelia的工作后继者Jacob也登场了,预示着一个新的充满活力的开始。而读完这本书,我也将会开启下一个全新的阅读之旅了。一个故事的结束带来另一个故事的开始,阅读如此,人生也是如此,不断有新的故事发生,不断地遇见新的人和事物。但那些结束的故事并不意味着会消失在黑夜里无所踪迹,它将会留在某些人的心底,成为某些人珍贵的记忆,就像岛上书店成为Alice岛的居民日常生活般的存在一样。有些重逢是为了更好的离开,有些离开是为了更好的重逢。