今日学习记录 【2019-07-14 】

今日学习记录 【2019-07-14 】

作者: Wamg潇潇 | 来源:发表于2019-07-14 21:37 被阅读0次


  1. the persistence of heavy rain hampered the flow of traffic. 持续的大雨阻碍了交通运行。
  2. there is broad consensus in the country on this issue. 对这一问题举国上下意见一致。
  3. He is famous for the brevity of his speeches.他以言辞简洁而著称。
  4. our arrival time is contigent on the weather.我们的抵达时间取决于天气状况。
  5. they met last night to clear up any lingering doubts.他们昨晚会面,消除一切滞留的疑点。
  6. He was, on his own admission, impulsive by nature. 他承认自己生性易于冲动。
  7. the comprehensive report should be concise in content and succinct in wording and point out the problemsor controversial issues.综合报告内容要扼要,文字要简练,要指出问题或争论之所在。
  8. are you an extrovert or an introvert?你的性格是外向还是内向?
  9. anti- colonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule. 反殖民主义旨在结束人民对殖民统治的附属,
  10. the hawker cried his wares throughout the town.小贩沿街叫卖商品。
  11. the recession remains deeply entrenched. 经济颓势依旧豪无松动。
  12. He is circumspect and farseeing and seldom fails.他做事老谋深算,很少失误。
  13. the old man set off at a quick trot.老人快步走开了。
  14. the orchestra had a distinctively warm and mellow sound.这个管弦乐队演奏的特色是声音优美柔和。
    15.rag sb,拿sb开涮。
    the sky was a delicate blue streaming with rags of crisp clean cloud.湛蓝的天空散布着缕缕光洁如洗的白云。
  15. government and unions came to dictate pay standard. 政府和工会过来规定了工资标准。
  16. the speaker ground on, oblivious of listeners' boredom.演说者唠唠叨叨,没注意到听众的厌烦情绪。
  17. ingestion is unlikely as product as a gas at room temperature.在室温下作为气体,不大可能摄入。
  18. the plinth inscription warns vengeance on those who remove it.柱基的碑铭上警告说搬动它会遭到报复。
  19. I have had enough obloquy for one lifetime.我一辈子受够了诽谤。
  20. never was a gathering more varied and more uproarious.像这样各色人等混杂,环境喧闹不堪的集会倒是从未见过。
  21. she seems very plain but he dotes oon her, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder(旁观者)。她看上去相貌平平,但他非常爱她,情人眼里出西施。
  22. she bears herself with dignity.她举止端庄大方。
    26.make a feint(佯攻、攻击) in the east but hit in the west.声东击西。
  23. she vacillated between hope and fear.她时而抱有希望,时而心存恐惧。

1 .once in a life-time千载难逢;
2 . sometimes you gotta break a few eggs to makean egg sandwich. 有失才有得。

  1. I cheated on her with someone at work.我和一个同事偷情。
  2. to make some kind of point.杀鸡儆猴;
  3. cop a squat. 过来坐;
    I coule see the fucking Adam's apple bouncing我能看到晃动的丁丁。
  4. fixing to do someone permanent. ? 想除掉谁?
  5. my wife ain't even a TKO. 我老婆根本不漂亮。
  6. but Midtown is not my scene.但是商业区不适合我。
  7. you are dead set on having your own spot, aren't you? 你是铁了心想自己开店,对吗?
  8. ain't my lookout. 我没注意到。 cut him loose.放了他。
  9. nothing you can do but ride the crimson wave. 月经来了也就无法了。
  10. Glad to have you along for the ride.很高兴有你的帮忙。
  11. see hoe it bounces.看会怎么样?
  12. Is that a "Thanks, buzz off "?这是在叫我别烦你吗?
  13. first drink's on the house。 第一杯免费。
  14. when the time comes, I will let you know. 时机成熟后,我会让告诉你的。
  15. you got a top-notch work ethic. 你的职业操守一流。
  16. Relax, I'm pulling your chain.淡定,逗你玩的。
  17. flat fee and cut of the machines.固定收费和机器的分红。
  18. He says it's beneath me. 他说那个配不上我。
  19. In or out , Frank?弗兰克,还玩吗/
    No one is gonna tell you how to live your life.没有人有资格告诉你如何生活.
  20. He always one step ahead of everyone else with this。他总是未雨绸缪。
    every move that man make, he already got it mapped out. 那个人走的每一步,他都提前想好了。
  21. Don't get your panties in a twist. 别激动。
  22. off duty, Scout's honor. 不揽活,我保证。
  23. I'm at the center of things now.我现在有权力了。
  24. I know the econ inside out.经济学我能倒背如流。
  25. thanks for giving me a break . 谢谢你放我一马。
  26. I'm threee sheets. 我喝醉了。 make sport 取乐,当笑柄
  27. I‘d put you behind the stick in a second. 我可以马上让你上岗。
  28. but if she had as many pricks sticking out of her. 但她如果里面外面全是刺【屌】
  29. I’m a sporting man, ain't no sport in this.我是搞娱乐的,这个和娱乐不沾边。
  30. We'll just cram our asses off. 我们只能临时抱佛脚了。
  31. I' m holding up my end.我很努力了。
    34.Yeah, we righgt as rain, man,我们好得很呢,兄弟。
  32. Can I give them last call?我能赶他们走吗?
  33. on the for-real side, How's that sound?跟你来真的,一点不带马虎,你看怎样/
  34. go with the flow.顺其自然。so you think hee fronting,所以你认为他在打幌子。
  35. my head got banged up real good.我的头伤得不轻。


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      本文标题:今日学习记录 【2019-07-14 】
