《正面管教》:Positive Discipline: Winn

《正面管教》:Positive Discipline: Winn

作者: 育儿知识搬运工 | 来源:发表于2018-12-31 15:28 被阅读3次



Winning a child is that adults defeat a child by means of control and punishment.


Winning children means that adults safeguard their children's dignity, treat children with respect (kindness and firmness), and believe that children have the ability to cooperate with adults and contribute to them.


If a child wins, the child becomes a loser, and failure usually leads to rebellion or blind obedience.


Winning a child means that the child is willing to cooperate.


So how do you win children?


Four steps are given in the book Positive Discipline:


First, express your understanding of how your child feels. Be sure to verify to your child that your understanding is correct.


Second, express your sympathy for your children, not forgiveness.


Compassion does not mean that you agree or forgive your child's behavior, but that you understand his feelings. At this time, if you tell your child that you have experienced similar feelings or behaviors, the effect will be better.


Third, tell your child how you feel. If you take the first two steps sincerely and kindly, the child will be more willing to listen to you at this time.


Fourth, let children focus on problem solving. Ask your child what he or she thinks about avoiding such problems in the future. If the child has no idea, you can also make some suggestions until you reach a consensus.


In the process of winning children, we must pay attention to the tone of speech. Children are often experts in observation, and the tone of our speech is often the most accurate expression of the feelings behind our speech.


When a person asks, "What have you learned from this?" It can be a tone of reproach and humiliation, as well as a tone of sympathy and interest.


Keep in mind that only when children are treated with friendliness, care and respect can they win their cooperation. Children are more likely to listen to you only after they feel your listening.


Children are encouraged when they feel you understand their point of view. Once they feel they are understood, they will be more willing to listen to their parents'opinions and try to find solutions to their problems.


  • 《正面管教》:Positive Discipline: Winn


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      本文标题:《正面管教》:Positive Discipline: Winn
