如果当时unprepared for the worst,

如果当时unprepared for the worst,

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-10-12 22:08 被阅读0次



unprepared for the  Worst world's most vulnerable  Brace for vrius.

In an embattled enclave in Syria, doctors have seen patients die from what looks like the coronavirus, but are  Unable to treat them because they lack beds, protective gear and medical professionals. A refugee camp in  Bangladesh孟加拉国 is so  Cramped that is population  density is nearly four times that of New York City, making social distancing impossible.  Clinics in a refugee camp in Kenya struggled in normal times with  only eight doctors for  Nearly200000 people.

As  Wealthy countries like the United States and Italy struggle with  MaSS outbreaks of the grown and various,  international health experts and  Aid workers  are increasingly worried that the virus could ravage the worst most vulnerable people, the tens of millions forced from their homes by violent conflict.

Refugee camps across Africa, the middle East and Asia are packed with traumatized 受到创伤的and undernourished  people with limited access to health care and basic sanitation基本卫生设施, perfect breeding breeding grounds for  Contagion传染.Extended families jam into troubling shelters with mild floors.Food, water and soup are often lacking.Illnesses from hiking coughs to deadly disease go untreated, facilitating their spread.

The coroner virus which has already infected hundreds of thousands of people around the globe, could rip through these camps with devastating  Speed and mortality.


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      本文标题:如果当时unprepared for the worst,
