

作者: 马骏Martin | 来源:发表于2018-11-25 16:10 被阅读19次

    汉斯-赫尔曼·霍普(Hans-Hermann Hoppe)的著作《The Ethics and Economics of Private Property》(私有财产的伦理学和经济学),简单整理了中英文对照版。王文玉译,2006-9-16。

    IV. The Economics of Private Property 私有财产经济学

    The idea of private property not only agrees with our moral intuitions and is the sole just solution to the problem of social order; the institution of private property is also the basis of economic prosperity and of "social welfare." As long as people act in accordance with the rules underlying the institution of private property, social welfare is optimized.


    Every act of original appropriation improves the welfare of the appropriator (at least ex ante); otherwise, it would not be performed. At the same time, no one is made worse off by this act. Any other individual could have appropriated the same goods and territories if only he had recognized them as scarce, and hence, valuable. However, since no other individual made such an appropriation, no one else can have suffered a welfare loss on account of the original appropriation. Hence, the so-called Pareto-criterion (that it is scientifically legitimate to speak of an improvement of "social welfare" only if a particular change increases the individual welfare of at least one person and leaves no one else worse off) is fulfilled. An act of original appropriation meets this requirement. It enhances the welfare of one person, the appropriator, without diminishing anyone else’s physical wealth (property). Everyone else has the same quantity of property as before and the appropriator has gained new, previously non-existent property. In so far, an act of original appropriation always increases social welfare.


    Any further action with originally appropriated goods and territories enhances social welfare, for no matter what a person does with his property, it is done to increase his welfare. This is the case when he consumes his property as well as when he produces new property out of "nature." Every act of production is motivated by the producer's desire to transform a less valuable entity into a more valuable one. As long as acts of consumption and production do not lead to the physical damage or diminution of property owned by others, they are regarded as enhancing social welfare.


    Finally, every voluntary exchange (transfer) of appropriated or produced property from one owner to another increases social welfare. An exchange of property is only possible if both owners prefer what they acquire over what they surrender and thus expect to benefit from the exchange. Two persons gain in welfare from every exchange of property, and the property under the control of everyone else is unchanged.


    In distinct contrast, any deviation from the institution of private property must lead to social welfare losses.


    In the case of universal and equal co-ownership—universal communism instead of private property—the price to be paid would be mankind's instant death because universal co-ownership would mean that no one would be allowed to do anything or move anywhere. Each actual deviation from a private property order would represent a system of unequal domination and hegemony. That is, it would be an order in which one person or group—the rulers, exploiters or Uebermenschen—would be permitted to acquire property other than by original appropriation, production or exchange, while another person or group—the ruled, exploited or Untermenschen—would be prohibited from doing likewise. While hegemony is possible, it would involve social welfare losses and would lead to relative impoverishment.

    在普遍和均等的共同所有权 — 普遍共产主义而非私有财产权—的情况下,要付出的代价是人类的立即灭亡。这是因为,普遍共同所有意味着,没有人有权做任何事情或移动到任何地方。现实中对私有财产秩序的每一种偏离都代表着一个不平等的统治和霸权制度。也就是说,它会是这样一种秩序,其中,允许一个人或阶层—统治者、剥削者或上等人—不经最先占有、生产或交换行为而获得财产,不允许另一个人或阶层—被统治者、被剥削者或下等人—做类似的事情。霸权是可能的,但社会福利将会遭受损失,并会导致相对贫困。

    If A is permitted to acquire a good or territory which B has appropriated as indicated by visible signs, the welfare of A is increased at the expense of a corresponding welfare loss on the part of B. The Pareto criterion is not fulfilled, and social welfare is sub-optimal. The same is true with other forms of hegemonic rule. If A prohibits B from originally appropriating a hitherto unowned piece of nature; if A may acquire goods produced by B without B's consent; if A may proscribe what B is permitted to do with his appropriated or produced goods (apart from the requirement that one is not permitted to physically damage or diminish others' property)—in each case there is a "winner," A, and a "loser," B. In every case, A increases his supply of property at the expense of B’s corresponding loss of property. In no case is the Pareto criterion fulfilled, and a sub-optimal level of social welfare always results.


    Moreover, hegemony and exploitation lead to a reduced level of future production. Every ruling which grants non-appropriators, non-producers and non-traders control, either partial or full, over appropriated, produced or traded goods, leads necessarily to a reduction of future acts of original appropriation, production and mutually beneficial trade. For the person performing them, each of these activities is associated with certain costs, and the costs of performing them increases under a hegemonic system and those of not performing them decreases. Present consumption and leisure become more attractive as compared to production (future consumption), and the level of production will fall below what it otherwise would have been. As for the rulers, the fact that they can increase their wealth by expropriating property appropriated, produced or contractually acquired by others will lead to a wasteful usage of the property at its disposal. Because they are permitted to supplement their future wealth by means of expropriation (taxes), present-orientation and consumption (high time preference) is encouraged, and insofar as they use their goods "productively" at all, the likelihood of misallocations, miscalculation, and economic loss is systematically increased.


    V. The Classic Pedigree 古典渊源

    As noted at the outset, the ethics and economics of private property presented above does not claim originality. Rather, it is a modern expression of a "classic" tradition, going back to beginnings in Aristotle, Roman law, Aquinas, the late Spanish Scholastics, Grotius and Locke.6


    In contrast to the communist utopia of Plato's Republic, Aristotle provides a comprehensive list of the comparative advantages of private property in Politics. First, private property is more productive. "What is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care. Men pay most attention to what is their own; they care less for what is common; or at any rate they care for it only to the extent to which each is individually concerned. Even when there is no other cause for inattention, men are more prone to neglect their duty when they think that another is attending to it."7


    Secondly, private property prevents conflict and promotes peace. When people have their own separate domains of interest, "there will not be the same grounds for quarrels, and the amount of interest will increase, because each man will feel that he is applying himself to what is his."8 "Indeed, it is a fact of observation that those who own common property, and share in its management, are far more often at variance with one another than those who have property in severalty."9 Further, private property has existed always and everywhere, whereas nowhere have communist utopias sprung up spontaneously. Finally, private property promotes the virtues of benevolence and generosity. It allows one to be so with friends in need.


    Roman law, from the Twelve Tables to the Theodosian Code and the Justinian Corpus, recognized the right of private property as near absolute. Property stemmed from unchallenged possession, prior usage established easements, a property owner could do with his property as he saw fit, and freedom of contract was acknowledged. As well, Roman law distinguished importantly between 'national' (Roman) law— ius civile—and 'international' law— ius gentium.

    罗马法,从《十二铜表法》(Twelve Tables),到《西奥多西娅法典》(Theodosian Code)和《查士丁尼法典》(Justinian Corpus),都近乎绝对承认私有财产。财产权源于不引起争论的最先、先前的使用建立起来的在他人土地上的通行权或类似权利。一项财产的所有人能够用他的财产做自己认为恰当的事情,订约自由得到承认。另外,罗马法重要地区别了‘国家’(罗马)法和‘国际’法。

    The Christian contribution to this classic tradition—embodied in St. Thomas Aquinas and the late Spanish Scholastics as well as Protestants Hugo Grotius and John Locke—is twofold. Both Greece and Rome were slave-holding civilizations. Aristotle, characteristically, considered slavery a natural institution. In contrast, Western—Christian—civilization, not withstanding some exceptions, has been essentially a society of free men. Correspondingly, for Aquinas as for Locke, every person had a proprietary right over himself (self-ownership). Moreover, Aristotle, and classic civilization generally, were disdainful of labor, trade, and money-making. In contrast, in accordance with the Old Testament, the Church extolled the virtues of labor and work. Correspondingly, for Aquinas as for Locke, it was by work, use, and cultivation of previously unused land that property first came into existence.


    This classic theory of private property, based on self-ownership, original appropriation (homesteading), and contract (title transfer), continued to find prominent proponents, such as J. B. Say. However, from the height of its influence in the eighteenth century until quite recently, with the advance of the Rothbardian movement, the classic theory had slipped into oblivion.


    For two centuries, economics and ethics (political philosophy) had diverged from their common origin in natural law doctrine into seemingly unrelated intellectual endeavors. Economics was a value-free "positive" science. It asked "what means are appropriate to bring about a given (assumed) end?" Ethics was a "normative" science (if it was a science at all). It asked "what ends (and what use of means) is one justified to choose?" As a result of this separation, the concept of property increasingly disappeared from both disciplines. For economists, property sounded too normative; for political philosophers property smacked of mundane economics.


    In contrast, Rothbard noted, such elementary economic terms as direct and indirect exchange, markets and market prices as well as aggression, crime, tort, and fraud cannot be defined or understood without a theory of property. Nor is it possible to establish the familiar economic theorems relating to these phenomena without the implied notion of property and property rights. A definition and theory of property must precede the definition and establishment of all other economic terms and theorems.


    Rothbard's unique contribution, from the early 1960s until his death in 1995, was the rediscovery of property and property rights as the common foundation of both economics and political philosophy, and the systematic reconstruction and conceptual integration of modern, marginalist economics and natural-law political philosophy into a unified moral science: libertarianism.


    VI. Chicago Diversions 芝加哥转向

    At the time when Rothbard was restoring the concept of private property to its central position in economics and reintegrating economics with ethics, other economists and legal theorists associated with the University of Chicago such as Ronald Coase, Harold Demsetz, and Richard Posner were also beginning to redirect professional attention to the subject of property and property rights.10


    However, whereas for Rothbard private property and ethics logically precede economics, for the latter private property and ethics are subordinate to economics and economic considerations. According to Posner, whatever increases social wealth is just.11


    The difference between the two approaches can be illustrated considering one of Coase's problem cases: A railroad runs beside a farm. The engine emits sparks, damaging the farmer's crop. What is to be done?


    From the classic viewpoint, what needs to be established is who was there first, the farmer or the railroad? If the farmer was there first, he could force the railroad to cease and desist or demand compensation. If the railroad was there first, then it might continue emitting sparks and the farmer would have to pay the railroad to be spark free.


    From the Coasean point of view, the answer is twofold. First and "positively", Coase claims that it does not matter how property rights and liability are allocated as long as they are allocated and provided (unrealistically) that transaction costs are zero.


    Coase claims it is wrong to think of the farmer and the railroad as either "right" or "wrong" (liable), as "aggressor" or "victim." "The question is commonly thought of as one in which A inflicts harm on B and what has to be decided is, How should we restrain A? But this is wrong. We are dealing with a problem of a reciprocal nature. To avoid the harm to B would be to inflict harm on A. The real question that has to be decided is, Should A be allowed to harm B or should B be allowed to harm A? The problem is to avoid the more serious harm."12


    Further, given the "equal" moral standing of A and B, for the allocation of economic resources it allegedly does not matter to whom property rights are initially assigned. Suppose the crop loss to the farmer, A, is 1000, and the cost of a spark apprehension device (SAD) to the railroad, B, is750. If B is found liable for the crop damage, B will install an SAD or cease operations. If B is found not liable, then A will pay a sum between 750 and1000 for B to install an SAD. Both possibilities result in the installation of an SAD. Now assume the numbers are reversed: the crop loss is 750, and the cost of an SAD is1000. If B is found liable, he will pay A $750, but he will not install an SAD. And if B is found not liable, A is unable to pay B enough to install a SAD. Again, both scenarios end with the same result: there will be no SAD. Therefore, regardless of how property rights are initially assigned, according to Coase, Demsetz and Posner the allocation of production factors will be the same.

    此外,给定A和B“平等的”道德标准,就经济资源配置而言,依照科斯的说法,最初把财产权界定给哪一方无关紧要。假设农场主A的作物损失是1000美元,一个消除火花的装置(SAD)给铁路带来的成本是750美元。如果认定B对作物损坏负有责任,那么,B将安装一个SAD或停止运行。如果认定B不负责任,那么,A将支付750美元至1000美元之间的一笔钱给B,使其安装一个SAD。两种情况的结果都是安装一个SAD。现在,把数字颠倒一下:作物损失是750美元,一个SAD的成本是1000美元。如果认定B有责任,他将付给A 750美元,但不会安装一个SAD。如果认定B没有责任,那么,A将不能向B支付足够的钱安装一个SAD。两种情况的结果相同:不会有SAD。因此,依照科斯、德姆塞茨和波兹纳,无论财产权最初如何界定,生产要素的配置是相同的。

    Second and "normatively"—and for the only realistic case of positive transaction costs—Coase, Demsetz and Posner demand that courts assign property rights to contesting parties in such a way that "wealth" or the "value of production" is maximized. For the case just considered this means that if the cost of the SAD is less than the crop loss, then the court should side with the farmer and hold the railroad liable. Otherwise, if the cost of the SAD is higher than the loss in crops, then the court should side with the railroad and hold the farmer liable. Posner offers another example. A factory emits smoke and thereby lowers residential property values. If property values are lowered by 3 million and the plant relocation cost is2 million, the plant should be held liable and forced to relocate. Yet if the numbers are reversed—property values fall by 2 million and relocation costs are3 million—the factory may stay and continue to emit smoke.


    Both the positive and the normative claim of Chicago law and economics must be rejected.13 As for the claim that it does not matter to whom property rights are initially assigned, three responses are in order. First, as Coase cannot help but admit, it certainly matters to the farmer and the railroad to whom which rights are assigned. It matters not just how resources are allocated but also who owns them.


    Second and more importantly, for the value of social production it matters fundamentally how property rights are assigned. The resources allocated to productive ventures are not simply given. They themselves are the outcome of previous acts of original appropriation and production, and how much original appropriation and production there is depends on the incentive for appropriators and producers. If appropriators and producers are the absolute owners of what they have appropriated or produced, i.e., if no liability vis-à-vis second- or third-comers arises out of acts of appropriation and production, then the level of wealth will be maximized. On the other hand, if original appropriators and producers can be found liable vis-à-vis late comers, as is implied in Coase's "reciprocity of harm" doctrine, then the value of production will be lower than otherwise. That is, the "it doesn't matter" doctrine is counterproductive to the stated goal of wealth maximization.


    Third, Coase's claim that the use of resources will be unaffected by the initial allocation of property rights is not generally true. Indeed, it is easy to produce counterexamples. Suppose the farmer does not lose 1000 in crops because of the railroad's sparks, but he loses a flower garden worth1000 to him but worthless to anyone else. If the court assigns liability to the railroad, the $750 SAD will be installed. If the court does not assign liability to the railroad, the SAD will not be installed because the farmer simply does not possess the funds to bribe the railroad to install an SAD. The allocation of resources is different depending on the initial assignment of property rights.


    Similarly, contra the normative claim of Chicago law and economics that courts should assign property rights so as to maximize social wealth, three responses are in order. First, any interpersonal comparison of utility is scientifically impossible, yet courts must engage in such comparisons willy-nilly whenever they engage in cost-benefit analyses. Such cost-benefit analyses are as arbitrary as the assumptions on which they rest. For example, they assume that psychic costs can be ignored and that the marginal utility of money is constant and the same for everyone.


    Second, as the numerical examples given above show, courts assign property rights differently depending on changing market data. If the SAD is less expensive than the crop damage, the farmer is found in the right, while if the SAD is more expensive than the damage, the railroad is found in the right. That is, different circumstances will lead to a re-distribution of property titles. No one can ever be sure of his property.14 Legal uncertainty is made permanent. This seems neither just nor economical; moreover, who in his right mind would ever turn to a court that announced that it may re-allocate existing property titles in the course of time depending on changing market conditions?

    第二,就像上面的数字例子表明的那样,法院根据不断变化的市场情况做出不同的财产权分配。如果SAD的价格低于作物损失,法院认定农场主是有理;但是,如果SAD的价格高于作物损失,铁路则成了有理的一方了。也就是说,情况变化将导致财产权的重新分配。如此,没有人能够确信自己的财产。14 法律被弄得永远不可靠了。这显得既不正义,也不经济。如果一个法院宣布它可以根据随时间不断变化的市场情况重新分配现有财产权,那么,心智健全的人还会求助于这样的法院吗?

    Finally, an ethic must not only have permanency and stability with changing circumstances; an ethic must allow one to make a decision about "just or unjust" prior to one's actions, and it must concern something under an actor's control. Such is the case for the classic private property ethic with its first-use-first-own principle. According to this ethic, to act justly means that a person employs only justly acquired means—means originally appropriated, produced, or contractually acquired from a previous owner—and that he employs them so that no physical damage to others' property results. Every person can determine ex ante whether or not this condition is met, and he has control over whether or not his actions physically damage the property of others. In distinct contrast, the wealth maximization ethic fails in both regards. No one can determine ex antewhether or not his actions will lead to social wealth maximization. If this can be determined at all, it can only be determined ex post. Nor does anyone have control over whether or not his actions maximize social wealth. Whether or not they do depends on others' actions and evaluations. Again, who in his right mind would subject himself to the judgment of a court that did not let him know in advance how to act justly and how to avoid acting unjustly but that would judge ex post, after the facts?


    1. See section V below.
    2. See Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State (Auburn, Al.: Mises Institute, 1993 [1962]); idem, Power and Market (Kansas City: Sheed Andrews & McMeel, 1977 [1970]); idem, The Ethics of Liberty (New York: New York University Press, 1998 [1982]); idem, Egalitarianism as a Revolt against Nature and other Essays (Auburn, Al.: Mises Institute, 2000 [1974]); idem, The Logic of Action, 2 vols. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1997).
    3. See also Hans-Hermann Hoppe, A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989); idem, The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993).
    4. Note the "natural law" character of the proposed solution to the problem of social order—that private property and its acquisition through acts of original appropriation are not mere conventions but necessary institutions (in accordance with man's nature as a rational animal). A convention serves a purpose, and an alternative to a convention exists. For instance, the Latin alphabet serves the purpose of written communication. It has an alternative, the Cyrillic alphabet. Hence, we call it a convention. What is the purpose of norms? The avoidance of conflict regarding the use of scarce physical things. Conflict-generating norms contradict the very purpose of norms. Yet with regard to the purpose of conflict avoidance, no alternative to private property and original appropriation exists. In the absence of prestabilized harmony among actors, conflict can only be prevented if all goods are always in the private ownership of specific individuals and it is always clear who owns what and who does not. Also, conflicts can only be avoided from the very beginning of mankind if private property is acquired by acts of original appropriation (instead of by mere declarations or words of late-comers).
    5. While no one could act if everyone owned the value of his property, it is practically possible that one person or group, A, owns the value of his property and can determine what another person or group, B, may or may not do with the things under their control. This, however, means that B "owns" neither the value nor the physical integrity of the things under his control; that is, B and his property are actually owned by A. This rule can be implemented, but it does not qualify as a human ethic. Instead, it is a two-class system of exploiting Uebermensch and exploited Untermensch.
    6. For details see Murray N. Rothbard, Economic Thought Before Adam Smith. An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Volume I (Aldershot, UK: Edward Elgar, 1995); also Tom Bethell, The Noblest Triumph. Property and Prosperity Through the Ages (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998).
    7. Aristotle, Politics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1946), 1261b.
    8. Ibid, 1263a.
    9. Ibid, 1263b.
    10. See Ronald Coase, The Firm, The Market, and the Law (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1988); Harold Demsetz, Ownership, Control, and the Firm (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988); Richard Posner, The Economics of Justice/em>(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981).
    11. Posner, The Economics of Justice, p. 74: "an act of injustice (is defined) as an act that reduces the wealth of society."
    12. Ronald Coase, "The Problem of Social Cost," in: idem, The Firm, the Market, and the Law, p. 96. The moral perversity of this claim is best illustrated by applying it to the case of A raping B. According to Coase, A is not supposed to be restrained. Rather, "we are dealing with a problem of a reciprocal nature." In preventing A from raping B, harm is inflicted on A because he can no longer rape freely. The real question is: Should A be allowed to rape B, or should B be allowed to prohibit A from raping him/her? "The problem is to avoid the more serious harm.“
    13. See also Walter Block, "Coase and Demsetz on Private Property Rights," Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol.1, no. 2, 1977; idem, "Ethics, Efficiency, Coasian Property Rights, and Psychic Income: A Reply to Harold Demsetz," Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 8, no. 2, 1995; idem, "Private Property Rights, Erroneous Interpretations, Morality and Economics," Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 3, no. 1, 2000; Gary North, The Coase Theorem: A Study in Epistemology (Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics, 1992); idem, "Undermining Property Rights: Coase and Becker," Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 16, no. 4 (forthcoming).
    14. Posner, The Economics of Justice, p. 70-71, admits this with captivating frankness: "Absolute rights play an important role in the economic theory of the law. . . . But when transaction costs are prohibitive, the recognition of absolute rights is inefficient . . . property rights, although absolute, (are) contingent on transaction costs and subservient or instrumental to the goal of wealth maximization."



