#170 Internet & Web basics

#170 Internet & Web basics

作者: 钤鱼摆摆 | 来源:发表于2018-01-31 08:01 被阅读0次

    The Internet

    • The network of networks connected using TCP/IP communication protocol.
    • Origin: ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency Network)
      • Packet switching network, first to implement TCP/IP
      • Email first available on this
    • NSFNET (National Science Foundation Network)
      • First Internet backbone

    Internet Protocols (IP)

    • Designed for use both within LAN (Local Area Networks) and between networks.
    • IP addresses
      • IPv4 (32-bit)
        ー associated with at most one device
        ー assigned by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority)
      • IPv6 (128-bit)
        ー newest version
      • Transfer data packets from source to destination
        ー packets include: IP addresses, length of data, data
        ー packets are sent to gateway that connects to other networks, if there's no destination.
        ー the delivery of packets is not guaranteed

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

    • Adds the notion of a connection
    • Implemented on top of IP
    • Features
      • Guarantee data packet delivery
      • two-way communication
      • more like telephone rather than postal service
    • Also adds the concept of a port
      • header contains port number that represents an application program on the destination computer

    User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

    • UDP vs. TCP
      • Similarities
        ー both are built on IP
        ー both use port
      • Differences
        ー UDP has not connection concept
        ー UDP has no transmission guarantee
    • Advantages
      • Lightweight, faster for one-time messages.

    Domain Name Service (DNS)

    • This is like the "phone book" for the Internet
      • It maps between host names to IP addresses
      • Often uses UDP

    World Wide Web (www)

    • World Wide Web is originally proposed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989
    • 3 key ingredients
      • Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
        ー locating documents, built by reusing DNS hostnames
      • Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
        ー documents
      • Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)
        ー communication
    • Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI)
      • Uniform Resource identifier (URI)
        ー Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
        ー Uniform Resource Name (URN), used to identify resources with unique names like book.



          本文标题:#170 Internet & Web basics
