1. 2016-6-16: James点赞Magda演员ins说Magda像Charles
(又:后来Magda演员也发过两条打fassavoy tag的图:戳)
2. 2016-7-25:Entertainment Weekly Tumblr:法鲨+坎妹宣传《大洋之间的灯光 》
问:Michael,do you love James McAvoy? Answer “yes” or “I can kiss him right now”
法鲨:I love James McAvoy. Hard.
法鲨:Magneto in the pretend world. [对应Alicia所说Ava out inthe real world]
3. 2016-9 鲨在多伦多电影节
Fassbender said: “I don't actually like that performance there to be honest. “I just think it's me shouting. It's just like...some dude shouting.”
4. 2016-10-25 詹回答鲨的隔空三问释出(这里C1有具体的)
5. 2016-11-6 詹的ins发了买个泥头烟花,在caption中提到鲨
Shopping for firework and look at this.im gonna be blowing up friends and enemies alike.shout out to my X-men brothers.fassbender and@oscarisaacofficial
6. 2016-11-29 众多媒体宣鲨美同上新年夜诺顿秀
7. 2016-12-1 Bryan Singer在ins点赞caption写着the way james look at michael is so cute的照片
8. 2016-12-6 詹在当天活动上跟《Trespass against us》(鲨的电影)女主聊了一晚上
9. 2016-12-7 詹连发两条ins,分别是查和万的气球人
10. 2016-12-8 晚上录制诺顿秀,2016-12-9 早上詹发了ins,瑞雯的气球人
与此同时鲨在BBC Radio 2做节目 The Chris Evan’s Breakfast Show
节目中提到2000年,是主持人说麦扣我没想到见到你你今天见我第一句话是we met before,我一点都不记得。他说,It was a long time ago to be fair. 我想大约是在2000年左右吧。(这段还蛮好笑的,完整看这里)
节目中提到BB枪:主持人说自己小孩想要nerf gun(波波枪)然后麦扣说BB gun才是do real damage的。
11. 2016-12-11 詹 L'Uomo Vogue December 2016 杂志访谈【推荐】
“他毫不犹豫地说和他合作的演员之中最有化学反应的不是凯拉奈特莉也不是安吉丽娜朱莉是Michael Fassbender。”
12. 2016-12-12 鲨在纽约宣刺客信条的AOL访谈
有人在AOL后台洗手间里遇见他夸他的老万时他耿直地说:the last one...eh
13. 2016-12-13詹在split某点映Q&A上回答marry kill fuck的问题,说要fuck the beast因为他身材好
14. 2016-12-14 鲨在纽约宣刺客信条的某采访
记者在推特转述说He is (going to be in another Xmen movie)
15. 2016-12-19 鲨GQ Germany Jan 2017杂志采访
他说罗密欧就是那种自己会拒绝的角色,“我22岁就不会演,现在39(老了)就更不会”,因为这个角色太感性。(詹曾给罗密欧与朱丽叶改编电影Gnomeo & Juliet配音)
16. 2016-12-21 鲨宣传刺客信条的快速问答二选一(fast and curious)
17. 2016-12-22 詹的Total Film Feb 2017杂志访谈,鲨美同刊【翻译】(采访是16年9月做的)
1.或许是这样的work ethics让他的表演被更仔细的审视而非他的私人生活。当他谈论他的明星朋友,例如Michael Fassbender,BC和尼子,他试图让这听起来非常低调。“我时不时见Michael(every now and again),”他点头,“不怎么见Ben,我经常见Nick,我和他踢足球。是的,我希望我们拍多点X Men只是因为我能和我的朋友们(pals)在一起玩……”
2. 詹:“我最记得关于兄弟连的是不知道谁不是美国人。我觉得兄弟连的好多人都是美国人来着,实际上不是。他们实际上只是该死的英国人爱尔兰人苏格兰人或者北爱尔兰或者威尔士人。这是我印象最深的。然后几年后再见到演员们,他们就像,”还好吧mate?你咋样?“我就像“你是该死的英国人?上帝啊。”我有五天都认为Fassbender是美国人。”
3. 问:拍X-Men系列的吸引之处?答:(……)哪怕下两部X-Men电影不是在Pinewood,离我家40分钟路程的地方,对我来说都很好。我还交到了一些我人生中的最好的朋友。所以确实很棒能参与这个系列。
4. Bonus:杂志小编夹带私货,除了加粗了I thought Fassbender was American for five days,还写了注解说10是鲨美拍摄兄弟连和第一战之间的数字
18. 2016-12-23 鲨的Happy Sad Confused的节目
被问是否回归,Listen, I have no idea. I’ve had a fantastic time working with everyone at Fox there and all the cast. (…提到Simon Kinberg, Bryan, Matthew)There were really good experiences. And you know, we really developed a family shooting the three films. With all the cast. It’ll just depend on the story. If it comes my way and see what’s in there and then I’ll make a decision from there.
19. 2016-12-25 鲨Fotogramas Jan 2017 杂志采访
20. 2016-12-25 鲨的Papel Magazine 杂志采访
其中有一段为什么我们喜欢他,说,因为他和James McAvoy maintains a bromance这里
21. 2016-12-25 鲨The Empire Film Podcast的采访
22. 2016-12-26 鲨Popcorn with Peter Travers节目放出(节目应是12-24录的)
Peter: Remember you were here with James McAvoy…
Michael: I sure do.
Peter:他和我说,我不是你的dancing monkey(模仿詹口音)
Michael:我上次唱的two little boys呀,这次可不能唱了。
23. 2016-12-26 詹的BBC Radio 1 Movies that made me(音频)
24. 2016-12-27 鲨的BBC Radio1 Movies that made me节目播出(节目录制就在12月8日诺顿秀之前)
1分28,问:兄弟连中有一集有James McAvoy,你和他还有联系吗?
鲨:有的,实际上今天迟些时候我就会见他。但公正点说,我们并不是那么经常见对方。但他是个好朋友,我很爱他。(I have. I’m actually gonna see him later on today. But we don’t see each other that often, to be fair. But he’s a dear friend, I love him a lot. )视频这里
5分47谈X男,问:我感到James McAvoy总试图逗你笑。(I get the impression that James McAvoy is constantly trying to make you laugh. )
鲨:说实话这是互相的吧。(Yeah I think it’s sort of back and forth to be honest. )其实Oscar也很擅长这个,但他很难逗笑,不像我,很容易就大笑,是个容易的目标。这里
6分30的一个黄梗,说punching game的这里
25. 2016-12-31 新年夜播出Graham Norton Show(12月8日录制)【推荐】
开场,Michael: It’s New Year’s Eve! James: Yeah it is. Michael: I’m James McAvoy. James: I’m Michael Fassbender. Michael/James: Welcome to the Graham Norton show!
马良瞎编说圣诞收到最好的礼物是胡椒和盐(salt and pepper),詹马上问是调料还是音乐,马良和诺顿都很疑惑这是什么音乐,詹说是Salt-N-Pepa这歌手呀你们没听过吗?“都混到一起”(这句是瞎唱的)大家大笑后詹正经起来:真的没人听过吗,这歌手有首let's talk about sex诶!(鲨在几年前的节目中唱过这歌,还不好意思唱那句let's talk about sex baby这里)
鲨拉着诺顿演示侧滚翻roly poly,詹的小眼神,之后说这让我从第三人角度看到之前发生过很多次的事情,which is I’m saying to Michael, I don’t think I can keep going. And you’re like(对鲨):yeah you can. Just really quietly and confidently telling you you can until you do.
鲨:We’ve actually fought each other. 詹:We have. 鲨:A couple of times. 诺顿:你发现了他打架时的一些特点。詹:No he makes certain noises when he fights. 鲨:Oh, this again. 詹模仿鲨锻炼的声音:“像是和人做|爱(having it off with somebody),but like really energetically(还是精力充沛的那种)。”
谈及在片场的slapping game,两人解释,詹说这还帮我得到一份工作,对鲨:Remember the party we were at in San Diego, at Comic Con ?鲨:Didn’t you knock someone out there?詹:Shut up!
放完Split片段后,鲨鼓掌并说:I can’t wait to see it, mate.
鲨美专场,再看同人图+骑双人自行车。詹:Blowing bubbles. 诺顿:For the moment. (黄)
詹:Michael, will you go for a brownie or fairy cake?詹问女粉女人是否想看两个男人搞,女粉:Just you two.
詹:Why does Michael have a scarf coming out of his ass? 鲨:我不知道啊。你的围巾在我屁|股底下。 骑车结束后说小话,鲨拍了詹的肩膀。
多诺万兄弟上场,递奖牌,两人说小话。马良说听不懂爱尔兰口音,运动员说麦扣carry a thick accent然后自己笑得超有内涵(黄|腔carry a thick xx)以后,鲨去看詹,詹点头。运动员在采访中说close your eyes and pull like a dog以后这句话走红,他们说可以在夜店里说这句(黄),詹跟着飙车说have you had a member of your desired sex tell you to pull like a dog,然后鲨笑得最用力。运动员继续说走红的那句话有人纹身在手臂上来和他搭讪,吐槽说他们是自x的时候可以看着吗?然后鲨一边笑一边看詹。
26. 2016-12-31 鲨 Vogue Russia杂志采访释出(采访应该是在12月8日诺顿秀录制前后做的)【推荐】
他喜欢摩托车,赛车和冲浪。他认为生活中最重要的是家人和朋友,虽然许诺了会更多见他的女朋友,瑞典女演员Alicia Vikander,他在新西兰2015年拍摄The Light Between Oceans认识。他也许诺(promises)会经常地(regularly)和一位朋友,演员James McAvoy,去玩卡丁车。
27. 2017-1-6 詹发ins:在纽约soho区Prince station附近发现Split地铁广告牌
实际上他所在的位置和鲨Assassin's creed的地铁广告牌(2nd ave station) 走路不到十分钟 (当然纽约此时全城都是他俩的地铁广告)这里
28. 2017-1-11 鲨的访谈:Vanity Fair Italia Jan 2017
29. 2017-1-11 鲨的访谈:GQ Italia Jan 2017
30. 2017-1-12 詹的访谈:Mr Porter Journal
为了在《淹没》(女主:Alicia Vikander)中扮演人质,他必须减肥追求营养不良的体型。然后,为了消除五天在金属盒里拍摄的床上,他在马德里狂饮13小时。
31. 2017-1-13 詹宣传分裂:西班牙节目猜脸游戏,最后是鲨
32. 2017-1-16 詹宣传分裂:伦敦FB直播节目
4分半詹:工作中有趣的一天应该是做特技的吧,或者你和某个人工作——这和工作本身无关——你就是和那些能让你傻笑,你也能让他们傻笑的人一起工作,你一整天基本都不怎么工作就是努力让对方大笑。(Fun day at work, probably best fun day work is stunts. Or you are working with somebody, that is nothing to do with the work, you are just working with somebody that makes you giggle, and you make them giggle, and you spend the whole day trying to do as little work as possible making each other laugh.)
33. 2017-1-23 Yahoo奇摩电影(台媒)对詹的访问 (采访是16年9月做的)
至於他跟麥可法斯賓達還有保持聯絡嗎?他一臉淘氣地笑說:「我還沒看《為你說的謊》(即TheLight Between Oceans)!」
经过考证,访谈是真的,确有其事,并且是和Total Film那访谈(见15)一起做的。考据
34. 2017-2-7 詹访谈:英国杂志 Northeast Lifestyle Magazine 2017年1月刊释出
(It can be fun. Although sometimes I’ve injured myself. I was working on X-Men with Michael (Fassbender) and I had a pretty bad accident driving a golf buggy. I wound up getting launched into the windshield of a car that was 15 feet away and landed on the ground. When I looked up I was in a lot of pain, and I could see Michael still sitting in the buggy, and his knees and shins were covered in blood.)
你最近拍完了淹没,和你的朋友(X-Men co-star)Michael fassbender的女朋友Alicia Vikander一起出演。和她工作如何?
Alicia是很好很有才华的人,和很好的人工作总是很愉快,我很喜欢那种在片场能带着那种好心情的感觉。这也是我为什么喜欢和Michael一起拍摄X-Men系列,第三部时我们已成为好朋友,但我很少有机会在片场以外见到他因为他总是在工作!这太糟了因为我们在一起时玩得如此开心。(Alicia is a very sweet girl and very talented. It’s always a pleasure to be able to work with good people. I love it when you can carry that kind of good feeling with you on a set. That’s also why I’ve enjoyed working on the X-Men films with Michael. By the third one, we’d become good friends. But I rarely get the chance to see him away from the film set because he’s working all the time! It’s too bad because we have such a good time together.)
35. 2017-2-20到22 法鲨中国宣传刺客信条中几次被问詹/提到詹
Reporter: You have worked with James McAvoy in X-Men and in China, people on the Internet are joking at you are a couple. What do you think of it and will you invite him to your film if you become a producer in the future? 你和James McAvoy在X男合作过,在中国,网上的人们玩笑说你们是一对,你对这怎么看?如果你未来成为制片人的话你会邀请他出演你的电影吗?
Michael:Will I film James in one of that films? Is that the question?我会不会在电影里拍摄James,是这个问题吗?
Host:Yeah that’s the question since you are a “couple”.是的因为你们是“一对”。
Michael:Absolutely. We like to work as often as we can. But you know, we like to keep the professional separate to the personal…He’s at home, actually, cooking for me right now. He’ll be having interests of that soup… 当然,我们想尽可能经常地在一起工作。但我们也喜欢把公事私事分开。他实际上正在家给我做饭呢,他肯定会对那个食物感兴趣……
Em, no, you know, James and I are great friends. We met for the first time on First Class. And…actually that’s a lie. We met the first time, filming Band of Brothers together, the TV show. And…you know, I’ve been an admirer of his work. So…I consider, we are very good friend, yep. 呃,不啦,James和我是非常好的朋友。我们第一次见面是在第一战。实际上那是个谎话。我们第一次见面是一起拍兄弟连,那个电视剧。我一直都是他作品的仰慕者。我想,我们是很好的朋友,嗯。
1. “詹坎掉水里”问题的回答
答:They already have. They worked together on Submergence. 他们已经掉过水里了,他们演了淹没。
问:I mean who will you save first.
答:I guess this is a love triangle.
2. “当制片请什么演员”问题的回答
答:I love working with Viggo Mortensen, I'd love to do sth with him again. Vincent Cassel. Maybe James McAvoy. ...Who else...I like Matthias Schoenaerts. Love working with Jennifer Lawerence, Kate Winslet, Alicia of course.动图
麦扣:I just did a Professor X tactic here. Even though I'm not the Professor X.
Q:You and James McAvoy, who do you think is hotter?
A:Definitely me.
Q: Will he be angry if he hears this?
A: I hope so. I like him when he's angry.
Q: All fans hope you and him can come to China together, in the future...
A: I'm gonna tell him.
Q: ...for the honeymoon.
A: Right. Maybe we can get married here. Are there laws that allow that? Um, no, I'd love to see James, actually, I haven't seen him in a while. Um...so I'll tell him that.
5) 暴走看啥片中对詹问题的回答
A: I'm not sure...James McAvoy, Geez, sorry, yeah.
Q: 提起多少次了
A: I couldn't guess. But a lot.
Q: 最后一次联系是何时
A:I spoke to James...Jesus, a while ago. I meant to call him actually to congratulate on his new film, which he's been doing great, Split. But I spoke to him...gonna be 5 months ago*? We don't live together.
问:这个问题我们也问过Sir Ian,现在也想听听你的看法。有人认为X战警里EC是一对,你是如何看待他们关系的,和一美演对手戏时又是什么心情演的?
(Er…you know that’s just it, there is that sort of…I think first and foremost you know…er…Professor X and Magneto, they need each other. They sort of make each other relevant. You know, just so happens that James and I sort of have a good chemistry. We got on, immediately, working together. I…I actually worked with him a little before in Band of Brothers. Years before…Back in 1999, 2000. But we never really any scenes together. But I was always a fan of his work. So um… You know, and here’s also a story you know. He had the part of Professor X, and I had to audition for Erik, for Magneto. And he was there for my audition. He was just very generous, and…and very helpful, supportive. So you know, that’s where the love story started. Lots of Chemistry. )
36. 2017-5-8 法鲨西班牙访谈宣传异形
FB, 微博动图
9分22,Who would win in a dance off...you, Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Jackman or James McAvoy?
法鲨:I’ll take McAvoy. It's gonna be easy. Sorry James.
37. 2017-5-17:法鲨Herald Sun采访
我得看看Logan,我非常想看(I am dying to see it)很显然那很棒。我热爱X-Men family,我已经是它的一部分有六七年了。我想我拍第一战是2010年,我非常爱那部电影。我爱那里的人,我爱粉丝们,我爱X战警世界,我很期待再拍一部。
38. 2017-5-25 :法鲨Star 2采访
我想只是健康我就会很开心吧。健康是个很好的事情。蓝眼睛会很好(Blue eyes would be good)。取决于谁有那样的眼睛混合一下(Depending who has the other eyes in the mix)
39. 2017-5-31:鲨的异形采访:I‘ll marry yoda
40. 2017-6-13:詹宣传原子美人joe.co.uk采访中看了和法鲨合成图
把呆八P上詹的脸让詹猜。詹:That's gotta be Michael, isn't it?
詹:Haha yeah, spacesuit and all
41. 2017-6-15:新闻确认万磁王回归黑凤凰
42.2017-7-13:Empire Magazine八月刊有两人的漫画,分别是小职员和服务员
43. 2017-7-23:詹的原子美人采访
“我不觉得having sex算锻炼,那天还和人讨论过”
44. 2017-7-24:詹的原子美人采访
标题:“他们的故事什么都有”好莱坞明星James McAvoy说他很愿意和好友Michael Fassbender拍摄O' Donovan兄弟的传记电影,在这对划桨手获得成功之后
正文:演员James McAvoy想在一部关于爱尔兰奥林匹克划桨手O' Donovan兄弟的大银幕传记电影中出演,和他最好的朋友Michael Fassbender一起。
这对一起在X男电影中出演的好莱坞朋友,在去年Norton Show和这对银牌英雄坐在同一个沙发上访谈后,就被他们迷住了。
这对来自West Cork的兄弟通过里约2016奥运会后的一系列采访闻名世界。
而现在这位苏格兰演员宣布,如果电影大佬们计划着电影改编这对运动员的成名历程,他和Fassbender都是完美的卡司(both he and Fassbender are perfect casting)。
James说:“我们一直都在寻找着一起做些其他东西,有着情感,动作,悬疑,幽默的东西(We’ve been looking to do something else together that has heart, has action, has suspense, has comedy.)。这里面有奥林匹克金牌,这可是轻而易举啊。”
Kerry出生的Michael Fassbender可能对于O'Donovans兄弟强烈的Munster口音占有些不公平的优势,James可没有被吓倒,因为他宣称苏格兰口音也不是太不同。
45. 2017-8-4: 詹宣传原子美人的Empire Podcast放出
JM:三部合约后差不多我们都we are done(玩笑),让我回来的可能就是...character. 也很高兴和Simon再次合作。I've always been close to Simon, as a writer as a producer. I know the crew and enjoy working with them as well. That's exciting. It's just a great bunch of people. We love each other...as great company.(...) We are really sorta doing movies and then out but...If it continues even further, which I think they plan on to, it will be great.
46. 2017-8-17: Simon Kinberg在ins发布第一战四人组重聚首照片,鲨美同框
西蒙instagram,次日詹ins转发表示:7 years...nothing left to say to each other...what a rhubarb tart though.thanks for diner (七年之痒)
另:Michael进组时间应为8/14 - 8/15期间(有人在飞机上遇见)8/17中午也有合影
47. 2017-9-4: 西班牙节目合成MF给JM倒酒,Sir Patrick也在场
油管 8分12,单截出的微博
48. 2017-9-8/9左右:TIFF淹没土耳其媒体:詹的访谈
How did Vikander’s relationship with Michael Fassbender reflect on the passionate scenes on this film, if we consider your friendship?
We did not know each other. I do not see Michael if he is not on the internet. I speak clearly. Apart from the sets we do not see much of each other. We do not hang out. I love him, though. It directs an intimate scene, empowers the atmosphere. If you get along well with your love, you can build a good interaction, then you can have a comfortable sex life. But one comes and says, ‘Enter sexual relations!’ everything will be all wrong. It also depends on the direction. The story telling the story. In general, this can create tension.
49. 2017-9-20:黑凤凰剧组探访蒙特利尔儿童医院
50. 2017-9-24: Simon在ins发布鲨美碰拳照片
西蒙ins配文brothers in arms #mcbender,一小时后詹回复:great night out with you @simondavidkinberg...who knew I could make a lemon drop. pleasure to serve.
注:Lemon drop是一种vodka martini,即是XFC时期詹说过麦扣教他的那种酒:微博 )