2019-05-09 雅思15 (解)快餐

2019-05-09 雅思15 (解)快餐

作者: awakecp | 来源:发表于2019-05-09 22:31 被阅读0次


    快餐fast-food restaurants, the strong desire for fast food, most fast food chains

    traditional recipes, traditional cuisines, pre-prepared food

    病痛obesity epidemic, normal-weight people, heart diseases, pour money on the medical system

    dietary habits,

    威胁pose a threat to, jeopardize, have adverse effect on, is a menace, 

    Many people today frequently go to fast-food restaurants, because of the fast pace of life and irregular working hours. Fast food has posed a threat to traditional cuisine in many countries, and people should put emphasis on the problems that may raise from this changing habit.

    Firstly, the strong desire for fast food as become a health issue in many countries like America, where the number of overweight people has increased dramatically. This is why it is known as junk food and linked to the obesity epidemic. Those who suffer obesity are more likely to contract heart diseases than normal-weight people. This means that governments have to pour more money in the medical system, which may have an adverse effect on economic development.

    Moreover, another problem is that it can affect people's way of life, including dietary habits. Traditional means of cooking are known for the diversity of ingredients ,cooking styles and flavours, and many traditional dishes represent their preference of cuisine in different regions. However, most fast food chains provides American or European food , including hamburgers, fried chicken and pizzas. People's diet is increasingly monotonous, and many traditional recipes may vanish. 

    Last, the reliance on pre-prepared food also has an adverse effect on family relationship, when people do not participate in family meals as frequently as before. As a general rule, family meals provide family members with an opportunity to communicate with each other and improve mutual understanding. People who always eat outside may not be able to keep up with family issues and response to emotional needs of family members. Families have become more and more dispersed, and many people feel lonely and helpless when they have problems in daily lives.

    To sum, the prevalent of fast is a menace. It not only poses a threat to people's health but also to their cuisine culture and social relationships.



          本文标题:2019-05-09 雅思15 (解)快餐
