abandon v. 放弃,抛弃, n. 放肆,任性
abide 忍受,逗留
abandon yourself 自暴自弃

we are making slow but steady progress. 我们进展缓慢但是在稳步前进
he shaved his head bald.
ancestor, ancestor 祖先
evolve, evolve. v. 进化,演化
extinct. extinct 灭绝,消失

could you tell me the retail prices of. the shoes? retail price 零售价
refund n. 退款,返还
cancel v. 取消,废除,抵消
cancellation n. 取消,中止,作废
impressive. impressive
depression n. 沮丧,消沉,
loneliness has been linked to depression. 孤独与沮丧连在一起。
compress. v. 压缩,精简

bald bald 秃顶的,
bold, bold 大胆,