经过别人推荐才知道可以通过一些在线教程来进行学习git命令。Try Git(这个网站,能在其中根据它的教程练习git命令,15分钟内,你就能够掌握那些最基本的常用命令了。
1.1 git init
Git allows groups of people to work on the same documents (often code) at the same time, and without stepping on each other's toes. It's a distributed version control system.
Our terminal prompt below is currently in a directory we decided to name "octobox". To initialize a Git repository here, type the following command:
我们的终端显示了你现在的文件夹,这个文件夹的名字叫做octobox,在这里初始化git库,输入以下命令:git init。
1.2 Checking the Status
Good job! As Git just told us, our "octobox" directory now has an empty repository in/.git/. The repository is a hidden directory where Git operates.
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Next up, let's type the git status command to see what the current state of our project is:
git status
1.2 查看状态。
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接下来,让我们输入git status命令去查看我们项目的当前状态。
1.3 Adding & Committing
I created a file called octocat.txt in the octobox repository for you (as you can see in the browser below).
You should run the git status command again to see how the repository status has changed:
git status
你应该再次运行git status来查看库的状态是如何变化的。
1.4Adding Changes
Good, it looks like our Git repository is working properly. Notice how Git saysoctocat.txtis "untracked"? That means Git sees thatoctocat.txtis a new file.
To tell Git to start tracking changes made tooctocat.txt, we first need to add it to the staging area by usinggit add.
git add octocat.txt
告诉git开始追踪octocat.txt文本的变化,你首先需要将文档添加到暂存区域。使用命令git add。
1.5Checking for Changes
Good job! Git is now tracking ouroctocat.txtfile. Let's rungit statusagain to see where we stand:
git status
干的漂亮!git现在开始追踪我们的octocat.txt文档了。让我们再次运行git status查看当前的状态。
1.6 Committing
Notice how Git says changes to be committed? The files listed here are in the Staging Area, and they are not in our repository yet. We could add or remove files from the stage before we store them in the repository.
To store our staged changes we run the commit command with a message describing what we've changed. Let's do that now by typing:
git commit -m "Add cute octocat story"
git commit -m "Add cute octocat story"
1.7Adding All Changes
Great! You also can use wildcards if you want to add many files of the same type. Notice that I've added a bunch of .txt files into your directory below.
I put some in a directory named "octofamily" and some others ended up in the root of our "octobox" directory. Luckily, we can add all the new files using a wildcard withgit add. Don't forget the quotes!
git add '*.txt'
我在octofamily"目录下放了一些文件,另外一下放在了我们的根目录"octobox下。幸运的是,我们可以使用通配符配合git add命令来添加所有的新文件。不要忘记了单引号。
1.8Committing All Changes
Okay, you've added all the text files to the staging area. Feel free to run git status to see what you're about to commit.
If it looks good, go ahead and run:
git commit -m 'Add all the octocat txt files'
okay,你现在已经添加了所有的text文件到暂存区。可以运行git status来查看你要提交的内容。
git commit -m 'Add all the octocat txt files'
So we've made a few commits. Now let's browse them to see what we changed.
Fortunately for us, there'sgit log. Think of Git's log as a journal that remembers all the changes we've committed so far, in the order we committed them. Try running it now:
git log
幸运的是,我们有git日志。将git log理解为一个日志,他记录目前为止我们提交的所有的更改,按照我们提交的顺序保存在日志中。现在试着运行下面命令:
1.10Remote Repositories
Great job! We've gone ahead and created a new empty GitHub repository for you to use with Try Git at To push our localrepoto the GitHub server we'll need to add a remote repository.
This command takes aremote nameand arepository URL, which in your case is
Go ahead and rungit remote addwith the options below:
git remote add origin
git remote add origin
1.11Pushing Remotely
The push command tells Git where to put our commits when we're ready, and now we're ready. So let's push our local changes to ouroriginrepo (on GitHub).
The name of our remote isoriginand the default local branch name ismaster. The-utells Git to remember the parameters, so that next time we can simply rungit pushand Git will know what to do. Go ahead and push it!
git push -u origin master
当你准备好了,push命令会告诉git在哪里put我们的提交代码。现在你已经准备好了,push你本地更改到我们的origin repo库上。
我们远程库的名称叫origin,默认的本地分支名称叫master。字母u含义是告诉git保存这些参数,这样下次你可以简单的运行git push,git会按照你之前的参数进行操作。
1.12Pulling Remotely
Let's pretend some time has passed. We've invited other people to our GitHub project who have pulled your changes, made their own commits, and pushed them.
We can check for changes on our GitHub repository and pull down any new changes by running:
git pull origin master
Uh oh, looks like there have been some additions and changes to the octocat family. Let's take a look at what isdifferentfrom our last commit by using thegit diffcommand.
In this case we want the diff of our most recent commit, which we can refer to using theHEADpointer.
git diff HEAD