
作者: liqi_carol | 来源:发表于2018-04-14 22:31 被阅读0次


What do they need to play the computer game?    Adisc.

Do we need a disc when we play computer game now?  No, we just need an ipad and high speedinternet connection

How does Daddy pig fix the computer? 

He switches off the computer and switches on thecomputer again.

约定: 看图片时, 用一般现在时。无图片时, 用一般过去时

Where are they going?

Grandpa and Granny’s house.

Where is grandpa? He is in the garden.

What is grandpa doing in the garden?   He is planting seeds.

What is Peppa doing?

Peppa is throwing the ball to her grandpa.

What is Grandpa doing? 

Grandpa catches the ball and throws it back to Peppa.

What are seeds?

Seeds are something from plants and they can grow intoplants.

How to plant a seed?

First, dig a small hole. Then put the seeds into thehole and cover with earth. Water the seeds with a watering can.

Sprout tree: 小苗

How do they get an apple?

Grandpa shakes the tree and an apple falls down. Ithits on his head. He catchesthe apple and eats it. He shows Peppa there are more seeds in the apple.

Now we wait it to grow.

What is the silly thing they are doing?   They wait to see the seed grow into a tree.

What are they thinking about? They think the seedswill grow into a big tree quickly.

What does grandpa do after they leave?

Grandpa looks after Peppa’s strawberry seeds and aftera few days a strawberry seed grows into a sprout.

And then what happen?

The plant grows bigger and bigger. Then one daygrandpa finds something special. There are strawberries.

George wants to grow a dinosaur tree.

Why does George want to grow a dinosaur?

Because George’s favorite toy is dinosaur. He wants toget more dinosaurs.

Cycle of the Apple tree:   apple core, apple seeds, apple sprout, appletree, apple

Apple seeds come from apple core. 

Apple seeds are planted in the soil and they can growinto apple sprout.

The small apple tree will come from apple sprout.

Then big apple tree will come from the small appletree.

Apples come from a big tree.  We or animals eat the apples and throw theapple core on the ground.

Then cycle starts again.


What is called brainstorm?

What can bounce?

If you have a ball, you throw it to the ground. Ithits the ground and it goes up again. This is what we call bounce.

Trail.  It’s aline. …

Trampoline:  it’sa toy. We can bounce on the trampoline. And you can have fun.

Yard sale:

At a yard sale, You can sell things near your house. Youcan put the things on a table and your neighbors can buy them.  I can get some money.

Why do people hold yard sale?

We usually sell old stuff at yard sale. People can getrid of things they don’t need. They can get money. The neighbors can findthings what they need with a little money. They save money.

What do you see? Some tables, pencil and some paper.

Why does he want to do with pencil and paper?

He wants to report what he has sold.

Call off: cancel

Pad of paper

That might get things worse.  == The bear will not get down the tree, butget up the tree.

A trail of nuts leading to the forest

The first idea is to move a trampoline under the tree.The bear falls down. Then they can move it into the forest. But it doesn’twork.

The second idea is to play very bad music and then thebear can’t stand the noisy. They hope the bear will get down the tree. But itdoesn’t work.

Why does it not work?

Because the bear doesn’t get down the tree, but getsup and finds some nuts to eat in the tree.

The third idea is because mummy sees the bear eatingnuts. They place a nut trail whi ch lead to the forest. They go away. The bearwants to eat the nuts. It comes down the tree and eats the nuts along thetrail. It goes back into the forest finally. It’s Sam’s idea.

作业:  Why do people like yard sales?  另外建议读一下raz c级别的apple tree,熟悉一下cycle



