

作者: 币威 | 来源:发表于2018-08-22 10:45 被阅读0次


1、To C :币威钱包 2.0 版本上线。币威钱包 2.0版本更新内容包括:支持更多Token 成为跨链钱包、经济系统(菠菜庄园)、世界杯活动、余币宝移动化嵌入。币威钱包以安全易用为第一层追求。技术保证安全,体验保证便捷。冷热钱包相结合,为新用户降低数字资产存储门槛,也更加安全的保证用户数字资产安全。币威钱包是目前全球首个让用户参与行为挖矿,享受福利的数字资产钱包。通过区块链,通过通证,设计一种共赢机制,在产品中应用,把所有的用户从被动使用者变成了生产者,一起分享收益。本次上线的经济系统成为币威钱包的极大亮点。

To C: BitCV wallet version 2.0 is available. BitCV wallet version 2.0 updates include adding more tokens, economic systems, World Cup events, and Yubibao. BitCV wallet is safe and easy to use as the first pursuit. Technology ensures security and experience ensures convenience. The combination of hot and cold wallet reduces the storage threshold of digital assets for new users, and ensures the security of users' digital assets more safely. BitCV wallet is the first digital asset wallet in the world that allows users to participate in mining activities and enjoy benefits. Through the block chain and through the certification, a win-win mechanism is designed to be applied in the product. All users are transformed from passive users to producers and share the benefits together. The economic system launched this time has become a great highlight of BitCV wallet.

2、To C:经济系统(菠菜庄园)是基于区块链技术的行为挖矿奖励体系,共投放 1.2 亿 BCV 用于奖励币威用户的日常行为,总量恒定、逐渐减半、永不增发。

To C: the economic system is a reward system for behavior mining based on block chain technology. A total of 120 million BCV is invested To reward daily behaviors of BitCV users.

3、To C:世界杯竞猜:每个账号对每场世界杯比赛只能选择一种结果进行投票;投票之后可以加注,每场比赛最多加注 4 次;每投一票花费 1BCV。投票数量越多最终获得的 BCV 可能越多;竞猜有风险,投票需谨慎。

To C: World Cup guesses: each account can only vote on one result for each World Cup match. After the vote can be added, up to 4 times per game; One vote costs one BCV. The more votes you cast, the more BCV you'll get. Guessing is risky, voting needs to be careful.

4、To C:余币宝提供数字资产增值服务,通过抢购相应产品,能够无风险获得保底收益。币威钱包能够更加方便使用。现在支持 BCV、HT。未来会增加更多 token。

To C: Yubibao provides value-added services for digital assets. By buying corresponding products, it can obtain guaranteed returns without risk. It is more convenient to use in BitCV wallet. BCV and HT are now supported. More tokens will be added in the future.

5、To F:币威指数和币威风向标已经上线币威钱包 2.0,用户可以在钱包的数据栏查看。

To F: BCI and BitCV weathervanes have been launched in BitCV wallet 2.0. Users can view them in the data column of the wallet.

6、To F:市值管理系统继续优化自动算法,设计了两套更加有效自然的新方案,计划在下周上线。

To F: the mark-to-market management system continues To optimize automated algorithms and has designed two new, more efficient and natural solutions that are scheduled To be launched next week.


1、本周召开币威产品 2.0 沟通会。召开的币威2.0产品沟通会上介绍了币威数字资产服务的三个层次,即工具服务、币威钱包、BCV CHAIN;币威钱包2.0版本已经正式发布,作为一款跨链钱包,该版本钱包内置了糖包、余币宝、世界杯、币威指数、经济系统等功能;金融科技方面,币威涉及了金融服务、数据服务、币威量化领域。2018 年 9 月份将上线 BCV CHAIN 测试网,2018 年 12 月份上线 BCV CHAIN 主网,开放API、SDK,打造资管生态。此外,币威与泰斗汇在现场正式达成战略合作并完成了签约,以此扩大BCV的使用场景。

BitCV product 2.0 communication meeting will be held this week. BitCV2.0 product communication meeting was held to introduce three levels of BitCV digital asset service, namely tool service, BitCV wallet and BCV CHAIN. BitCV wallet version 2.0 has been officially released. As a cross-chain wallet, it has built-in functions such as sugar bag, yu coin treasure, World Cup, BCI and economic system. In terms of financial technology, the company has involved financial services, data services and BitCV quantification. In September 2018, BCV CHAIN test network will be launched; in December 2018, BCV CHAIN main network will be launched; API and SDK will be opened to create the capital management ecology. In addition, BitCV and Taidouhui officially entered into strategic cooperation and signed a contract on site to expand the use of BCV.


Meet and discuss with leaders of the Huobi community, cooperate deeply in the community, and reach an alliance between BitCV community and Huobi community. In-depth cooperation in community promotion, offline activities and value export.

3、6 月 26 日币威创始人伍星、联合创始人文玲将参与中美区块链峰会。本次大会聚集上百个业界领袖,进行两天的紧凑高效的讨论;汇聚最顶级的区块链创业公司进行参展和演示,不少优质区块链项目将首次亮相。

On June 26, BitCV founder wu xing and co-founder Wenling will participate in the sino-us blockchain summit. The conference brought together hundreds of industry leaders for two days of intensive and efficient discussions. We will gather top class blockchain startups for the exhibition and demonstration, and many high-quality blockchain projects will be unveiled for the first time.


Negotiate BitCV wallet project cooperation and resource cooperation, improve the product and channel cooperation agreement, to complete the customization product of sugar packets, and OPC, EID, multiple projects. The TAC, ANTL, BSTK on communication, to discuss cooperation content.



BCV follows the peripheral market contract adjustment, waiting for the market to warm up.



I am looking for a good designer and my resume is sent to hr@bitcv.com


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