How angular 2 do DI
Check code at:
when calling eventService, angular2 uses EventService class as key to do DI, it creates an instance of EventService, and assign it to eventService. (angular1 uses string as key to do DI)
export class CreateEventComponent {
constructor(private eventService: EventService) { }
Using Third Party Global Services - The Problem
- Now when we edit profile, change lastname or firstname, save, there is no any user-friendly popup. We want our toastr to do this job.
- Our toastr service uses global variable
declare let toastr: any
, it comes from the index.html<script src="node_modules/toastr/build/toastr.min.js"></script>
- We want a way that avoiding using global variable, and we don't want to create a toastrService to wrap up all its apis. jQuery has too many apis, we cannot wrap all apis.
Using OpaqueToken for DI
- Update common/toastr.service.ts
// import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'
// //I guess this local variable was assigned the global toastr variable
// declare let toastr: any
// @Injectable()
// export class ToastrService {
// success(message: string, title?: string) {
// toastr.success(message, title);
// }
// info(message: string, title?: string) {
//, title);
// }
// error(message: string, title?: string) {
// toastr.error(message, title);
// }
// warning(message: string, title?: string) {
// toastr.warning(message, title);
// }
// }
import { OpaqueToken } from '@angular/core'
export let TOASTR_TOKEN = new OpaqueToken('toastr');
//not necessary if api is large, just for intellisense
export interface Toastr {
success(message: string, title?: string): void;
info(message: string, title?: string): void;
error(message: string, title?: string): void;
warning(message: string, title?: string): void;
- Register it in app.module.ts
// import { ToastrService } from './common/toastr.service'
+ import { TOASTR_TOKEN, Toastr } from './common/toastr.service'
+ declare let toastr: Toastr
imports: [...],
declarations: [...],
providers: [
// ToastrService,
+ { provide: TOASTR_TOKEN, useValue: toastr },
provide: 'canDeactivateCreateEvent',
useValue: checkDirtyState
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
- Remove all old ToastService in events-list component
Using the @Inject Decorator
- import Inject, TOASTR_TOKEN, Toastr.
- @Inject(TOASTR_TOKEN) private toastr: Toastr, @Inject is angular DI, Toastr is typescript intellisense (not required)
- use the service:
this.toastr.success('Profile saved successfully!')
+ import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core'
import { FormControl, FormGroup, Validators } from '@angular/forms'
import { AuthService } from './auth.service'
import { Router } from '@angular/router'
+ import { TOASTR_TOKEN, Toastr } from '../common/toastr.service'
templateUrl: 'app/user/profile.component.html',
styles: [
em {float:right;color:#e05c65;padding-left:10px;}
.error input{background-color:#e3c3c5;}
.error ::-webkit-input-placeholder {color:#999;}
.error ::-moz-placeholder {color:#999;}
.error :-ms-input-placeholder {color:#999;}
export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
+ constructor(private authService: AuthService, private router: Router, @Inject(TOASTR_TOKEN) private toastr: Toastr) { }
profileForm: FormGroup
private firstName: FormControl
private lastName: FormControl
ngOnInit() {
this.firstName = new FormControl(this.authService.currentUser.firstName, [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('[a-zA-Z].*')])
this.lastName = new FormControl(this.authService.currentUser.lastName, Validators.required)
this.profileForm = new FormGroup({
firstName: this.firstName,
lastName: this.lastName
cancel() {
saveProfile(formValues) {
if (this.profileForm.valid) {
this.authService.updateCurrentUser(formValues.firstName, formValues.lastName)
+ this.toastr.success('Profile saved successfully!')
- // this.router.navigate(['events'])
validateFirstName() {
return this.firstName.valid || this.firstName.untouched
validateLastName() {
return this.lastName.valid || this.lastName.untouched
The useClass Provider
in app.module.ts:
Someday we might use { provide: logger, useClass: fileLogger }
providers: [
// ToastrService,
{ provide: TOASTR_TOKEN, useValue: toastr },
EventRouteActivator, //short hand of { provide: EventRouteActivator, useClass: EventRouteActivator },
provide: 'canDeactivateCreateEvent',
useValue: checkDirtyState
The useExisting and useFactory Providers (rarely use)
You use Logger service. It's a big api which contains 30 methods, but you are going to use only 5 common methods
providers: [
{ provide: MinimalLogger, useExisting: Logger },
{ provide: MinimalLogger, useFactory: Logger },