Depmap portal

Depmap portal

作者: 重拾生活信心 | 来源:发表于2022-10-19 20:34 被阅读0次

    DepMap: The Cancer Dependency Map Project at Broad Institute

    • Tutorial pdf

    • Gene dpendency
      A genetic dependency is a gene that is considered necessary for the proliferation and survival of a given cell population.

    Gene dependency 图表解读

    The dependent cell lines tile

    Gene Effect Score :扰动后的效应。

    • 算法:DEMETER2 (RNAi) or Chronos (CRISPR) 。
    • normalization:已知的common essential genes 的median effect score为 -1,non-essential 为0,normalization。效应越大,越负。

    a) the distribution of gene effect scores
    b) the fraction of cell lines classified asdependenton the gene
    c) a category assigned to each dependency profile when/as appropriate.

    根据gene effect score distribution 分成3类基因
    1.Strongly Selective Distribution

    Strongly Selective Distribution : 在某些cell lines 中 dependent

    2.Common-Essential Distribution

    Common-Essential Distribution :在大部分cell lines 中 dependent,-1附近或者更负

    3.Non-essential Distribution

    Non-essential Distribution :大部分分布在 0 附近

    Data explorer

    data explorer correlation WRN & MSI

    Data Download

    选择性下载感兴趣 细胞系 / gene 的相关数据集中的数据 :custom download


    下载项目的整个数据集 :File download



          本文标题:Depmap portal
