

作者: foncion | 来源:发表于2016-02-20 02:57 被阅读72次

Dear Sir/Madam,

(A2 purpose) I learn from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. It interests me to post my motivation letter for the opportunity.

(A1 introduction) I’m Li Hua, a 17-year-old undergraduate from Xinxing Foreign Language School. (Part B) I’d like to list my competitiveness (=abilities) in the following three aspects. (B1 education & experience) Firstly, my top ranking at school and my previous (=last) experience as an intern (=employee) at an international secretariat represent my professionalism (=professional skills). (B2 interests & skills) Secondly, I’m devoted to volunteering in spare time, which enables my communicative competence (=communication skills). (B3 characteristics) Lastly, I’m so active and proactive (=very active) that I strongly believe I’m qualified for the position (=job).

(C1 thanks) Sir, Madam, it’s highly appreciated for your consideration of my application. (C2 expectation) I look forward to your response (=reply) at your early convenience.

Best regards,

Li Hua


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