Every house in the colony has at most one pipe going into it and at most one pipe going out of it. Tanks and taps are to be installed in a manner such that every house with one outgoing pipe but no incoming pipe gets a tank installed on its roof and every house with only an incoming pipe and no outgoing pipe gets a tap. Find the efficient way for the construction of the network of pipes.
The first line contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains two integer n & p denoting the number of houses and number of pipes respectively. Next, p lines contain 3 integer inputs a, b & d, d denoting the diameter of the pipe from the house a to house b.Constraints:1<=T<=50,1<=n<=20,1<=p<=50,1<=a, b<=20,1<=d<=100
For each test case, the output is the number of pairs of tanks and taps installed i.e n followed by n lines that contain three integers: house number of tank, house number of tap and the minimum diameter of pipe between them.
Sample Input 1
9 6
7 4 98
5 9 72
4 6 10
2 8 22
9 7 17
3 1 66
Sample Output 1
2 8 22
3 1 66
5 6 10
把上面的输入输出用例画出来就是水管的连接图,箭头连接的是不同的人家,箭头上面的数字是水管的直径,我们需要在没有输入水管的人家安装tank,在没有输出的人家安装tap,所以需要安装的是5 -> 6
, 2 -> 8
, 3 -> 1
,至于安装在它们之间的最小水管大小,就是连通路径上的最小水管直径。比如5 -> 6
找到所有的起点(5, 2, 3)
从起点开始,找出下一条路径,直到没有下一条路径结束,记录结束的点(与上面对应的是6, 8, 1)
python O(N)
def solve(p, pairs):
link, vals = {}, {}
for pair in pairs:
link[pair[0]] = pair[1]
vals[(pair[0], pair[1])] = pair[2]
starts = set(link.keys()) - set(link.values())
ans = []
for s in starts:
e = link[s]
val = vals[(s, e)]
while e in link:
val = min(val, vals[e, link[e]])
e = link[e]
ans.append((s, e, val))
return sorted(ans)
for _ in range(int(input())):
p, t = map(int, input().strip().split())
pairs = [tuple(map(int, input().strip().split())) for _ in range(t)]
res = solve(p, pairs)
for ans in res: