

作者: jzlmb82 | 来源:发表于2020-01-09 10:15 被阅读0次

    C Programming LanguageContribution to module (weighting: 20 %)1st Semester 2019-2020Out: MON. 23th Dec. 2019 Due: 18:00[GMT], SUN. 5th Jan. 2020Main objective of the assignment:Understand C programming and practice to draw a flow chart to describethe problem and coding in C.You are given a struct student, Table-1 and Table-2 as listed below. You arerequired to finish the assignment with given information.- Use a flow chart or another method, demonstrate the data flow;- Explain how the structure/functions to be used;- Program in C language;- Output screenshot for each question;1. You are required to finish struct student class[] = {} using Table-1.struct student{ int stuno; char fname[20]char lname[20]int age;struct transcript;};Table-1. Students’ Record (Given as a file “stu.txt”)stuno fname lname age101 Keanu Reeves 21102 Nicolas Cage 20103 Tom Cruse 20104 Susan Boyle 22105 Mariah Carey 19106 George Mikan 23107 Bill Sharman 20108 Paul Arizin 19109 Bob Pettit 20110 Jerry West 21111Name>Name>19*You are requested to modify the last record with your name, keep stunoand age.2. Sort the records based on student age. You are required to write anappropriate callback function, and output without transcriptinformation on screen.3. Transcript can be accessed from Table-2. First, you need to sortstudent’s records based on their scores. Then, write an appropriatecallback function, and output with transcript information on screen.Table-2. Transcript Information (Given as a file “records.txt”)stuno cname score101 C Programming 41101 English 48102 Math 50103 Art 43103 C Programming 56104 Math 64105 C Programming 71105 Math 63105 Database 32106 C Programming 89106 Art 78106 Physics 91106 Math 64106 ComputerArchitecture 82107 Information Security 86107 Database 48107 Data Mining 42108 C Programming 39108 Database 53108 Math 58108 Spatial Database 98109 Art 67110 C Programming 78110 Math 43110 ComputerArchitecture 83110 Database 65111 C Programming 92111 Math 89111 English 964. Calculate the average score of “C Programming” using recursivefunction. Write the appropriate callback function, and output theaverage score (AVG) on screen.5. Output all “C Programming” scores with student information, writethe result to a new txt file and name the file with your Brunel id. Toachieve this, you need to use strcmp() function to select “CProgramming” course. You are required to add a new column asremark(Ordinary Degree(Pass) / Lower-second Class Degree / FirstHonors Degree). Switch or if statement must be used to get remarkinformation. Specifically,40-44 indicate “Ordinary Degree(Pass)”;45-49 indicate “Third Class Degree”;50-59 indicate “Lower-second Class Degree”;60-69 indicate “Upper-second Class Degree”70-100 indicate “First Honors Degree”.An example is given below:Stuno cname score remark101 C Programming 41OrdinaryDegree(Pass)101 English 48Third ClassDegree… … … …6. Write a flow chart for each function.Remarks:* Solutions代写Programming作业、代做data留学生作业、C/C++编程语言作业调试、c++实验作业代写 帮做Java程序 to all questions above need to be included one *.c file. Inaddition, you are required to define a function for each question. e.g.:main(), Q1functionname(), Q2functionname(), Q3functionname(),Q4functionname() and Q5functionname(). Qxfunctionname() should begiven by yourself.* The output for each question should be done in main() function.* Do not include any Chinese characters in your assignment.* You are required to write annotation before each function, andannotation/description for important statements. e.g.:/∗@function function_name@desc describe what is this function used for.∗/* List all the source code in the assignment.* The assignment should be submitted in a .doc/.docx file, all the sourcecode should be included, and output screenshot should be included.DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONIC & COMPUTER ENGINEERINGPro-forma to accompany assignment / coursework 2019/2020This pro-forma should be the first page to any set assignment / coursework. A fullassignment brief should accompany this pro-forma.Module Code: EE 1612 ModuleLeader: XU ZHANG Assessor: XU ZHANGModule Title: C ProgrammingAssessment Title: C Programming Assignment Weighting: 20%Main objectives of the assessment:To introduce the students the key issues of C programming, including array, struct andloop, etc.Brief Description of the assessment:Finish a student transcript management project with multi-function.1. Sorting with score or age.2. Implement with recursive function to calculate average score.Learning outcomes for the assessment:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding(K) cognitive (thinking) skills (C) and otherskills and attributes (S)(K) Knowledge and UnderstandingWrite practical C programs demonstratingknowledge of different data types,functions, flow control, standard input andoutput library functions, array, pointer andstructure;Design and implement multi-function Cprogram.(C) Cognitive (thinking) SkillsUnderstand the question and implement.Find and correct errors in the process ofwriting code and reading existed code.(S) Other Skills and AttributesAssessment and marking criteria- Use a flow chart or another method,demonstrate the data flow – 25%- Explain how the structure/functions to beused - 25%- Program in C language – 25%- Output screenshot for each question – 20%- Output to a new txt file – 5%Design, compile and debug programs usingan integrated development environment.Assessment method by which a student can demonstrate learning outcomes:Written assignment (documentation of software) and submitted compressed programming codesfor softwareFormat for the assessment/coursework (Guidelines on the expected format and lengthof submission):Submission is completed via Blackboard Learn (BBL) only.Assignment submission includes:1. Compressed file of software2. Documentation on implemented software (flow chat) in the form of .pdf or .doc file.The report should NOT be included into the compressed folder.Distribution date to students: MON, 23thDec. 2019Submission Deadline: 18:00[GMT], SUN, 5th, Jan. 2020Indicative Reading List:Text Book / Standard Library of CFurther information: N/A转自:http://www.daixie0.com/contents/13/4656.html



