《人生由我》Maye Musk

《人生由我》Maye Musk

作者: 潘阿达 | 来源:发表于2022-03-04 11:31 被阅读0次


    01 自我借鉴





    02 育儿借鉴




    03 摘录

    要及时自救。If you are in a dark situation, I want you to know that there is a way out of it. I want you to know that if you are in a relationship with someone who is hurting you, you have to get out if you want to survive. No matter how bleak it may seem, there is always another way.

    知道你自己想要什么然后坚持。Ask for what you want. Persistence lead to success.

    要有趣、要自信。要化妆、要打扮。要找到适合自己的穿衣风格,要保持良好体形。Try to have a sense of humour, and be less sensitive about what people are saying. Walk taller and Smile more. Eating only when hungry, eating healthy food, not overeating.

    要找到喜爱的工作,并努力工作。You need to look forward to your work and love it, because you spend most of your waking hours working.

    要做计划:健康,财务,事业,家庭。在有准备的情况下就可以承担风险。I can take a risk as long as I’m prepared. Plan for the expected, and be ready for the unexpected.

    既要富得起,也要穷得惯。This was where I learned that you can always cut back on expenses; don’t go into debt, don’t envy other people who live in luxury - just do the best you can, strive to survive, and then hopefully be successful.

    要社交,要创造和抓住机会。When you start again somewhere new, you have to get out. You can’t sit and wallow in your loneliness and hope your social life and business pick up. You have to get out and socialise and network with people. You have to start meeting people, because that’s where your work comes from. That’s where your friends and partner come from. You know, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before one turns into a prince.

    要敞开心扉,接受帮助。Some times the best plan is accepting help.

    当孩子表现出对一些事的兴趣,鼓励他们。教育他们做独立、善良、诚实、体谅、礼貌,努力工作和做好事的人。If Children show interests, encourage them. I brought my children up to be independent, kind, honest, considerate, and polite, to work hard and do good things.



          本文标题:《人生由我》Maye Musk
