坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 20

坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 20

作者: 柒弟 | 来源:发表于2017-09-15 10:32 被阅读0次
    Granddad Duncan(邓肯大爷???)

    Buddy, Beware !


    Seventh grade brought changes, all right, but the biggest one didn't happen at school---it happened at home. Granddad Duncan came to live with us.

    At first it was kind of wired(奇怪,怪异) because none of us really knew him. Except for Mom, of course. And even though she's spent the past year and a half trying to convince us he's a grate guy, from what I can tell,the thing he likes to do best is stare out(凝视) the front-room window. There's not much to see out there except the Bakers' front yard, but you can find him there day or night, sitting in the big easy chair they moved in with him, staring out the window.

    Okay, so he alse reads Tom Clancy novels and the newspapers and does crossword puzzles(美国填字游戏) and tracks his stocks(研究下股票走势),but those things are all distracations(消遣). Given no one to justify(对...做出解释) it to, the man would stare out the window until he fell asleep. Not that there's anything wrong with that. It just seems so ... boring.

    Mom says he stares like that because he misses Grandma, but that's not something Granddad had ever discussed with me. As a matter of fact(事实上), he never discussed much of anything with me until few months ago when he read out Juli in the newspaper.

    Now,Juli Baker did not wind up(结束) on the front page(头版) of the Mayfield Times for being an eighth-grade Einstein(爱因斯坦),like you might suspect(怀疑).No,my friend, she got front-page coverage(报道) because she refused to climb out of(从...爬出) a sycamore tree(无花果树).









          本文标题:坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 20
