Your app's modal alerts are in Chinese, but your app's primary language is English.
### Guideline 4.0 - Design
We noticed an issue in your app that contributes to a lower quality user experience than Apple users expect:
- Your app's modal alerts are in Chinese, but your app's primary language is English.
To help users understand why your app is requesting access to a specific feature, your app's modal alerts should be in the same language as the rest of your app.
**Next Steps**
To resolve this issue, please revise your app to address all instances of this type of issue.
For information on improving and enhancing your app:
- Review the [UI Design Dos and Don’ts](https://developer.apple.com/design/tips/) for tips on fundamental design best practices.
- Watch the video [The Ingredients of Great Apps](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/ios/31/) to understand the basics of great apps.
- Watch the video [iPhone and iPad User Interface Design](https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/ios/29/) for practical design tips.
- Watch [iOS Development Videos](https://developer.apple.com/videos/) to learn about programming and design tips.
- Review the [iOS Human Interface Guidelines](https://developer.apple.com/ios/human-interface-guidelines/) and ensure that your app's interface and design adhere to these guidelines.
Please see attached screenshot for details.
Guideline 4.0 - Design
Your app's modal alerts are in Chinese, but your app's primary language is English.
检查了一下 App 里面所有的页面,都改成英文了,为什么还说有弹框是使用中文呢,找来找去,最后终于知道原因在哪了。
低级错误,记录一下,在应用主语言选择为英语的时候,忘记了将 info.plist 文件中,隐私权限弹框提示修改为英文,还是用中文写的,所以导致提包后,被苹果爸爸 4.0 条款拒绝。
<string>App needs your authorization to take pictures with your camera for avatar settings.</string>
<string>App need your authorization to get your geographic location to provide you with data about the surrounding services.</string>
<string>App needs your permission to access the location.</string>
<string>App needs your authorization to use your microphone permissions.</string>
<string>App needs your authorization to access the album to get pictures for avatar settings.</string>
<string>App needs your authorization to access the album to get pictures for avatar settings.</string>