开学的第一周,整个教室的气氛充满梦幻和温馨,所有的孩子对老师和老师所带来的内容充满好奇,多血质和胆汁质的很快加入,粘液质则安静地坐在外圈,观察,以非常友好的方式拒绝回答问题,抑郁质的眼神告诉你,老师, 对不起,我听不懂你在讲什么,看不懂你在做什么。他们都竭力安慰我的道具娃娃,问我小新到哪儿去了, 我能抱抱她吗?它是男孩女孩?
一个月内, 随着对环境的熟悉,他们开始变得自信、充满乐趣的探索周围的一切,开始试探成人的底线。在课堂上,大声地跟随老师唱歌谣,做韵律,并充满创造性地做各种动作和表情,逗的同学哈哈大笑,他们在对老师说,瞧见了吧?老师,我是不是很酷?你不笑吗?你生气了?哈哈哈哈
随着与同伴的熟悉,他们有了自己的好朋友,在课堂上自由组合做动作;他们会提醒老师,某某某又在做什么了?你也不管管。 我会告诉孩子,先做好自己的事,其他人的事情由老师来处理。现在英语课上,这种关注他人言行的话语越来越少,更多的孩子慢慢回到自己。当然,他们会有意去碰触规则,违反规则,看看老师如何去处理,老师的规则是否清晰和坚定。当感受到清晰的规则时,孩子会变得自在和安定。
上课前,我会站在门口和每个同学问好。待坐下后,唱一首固定的歌曲让孩子们都能回到位子上。行礼后,做开始颂词。聊一聊今天星期几?天气如何?接下来有10分钟的韵律,做动作念歌谣、唱儿歌,做手指谣来复习学过的内容;然后,围成圆圈报数、顶沙包和送沙包进行转换,进入新内容的学习,大概要6分钟,通过看画本、创建一个情景讲故事、老师示范、孩子自由画等方式进行。这个环节结束后,会唱一到二首歌让孩子轻松下来。最后10分钟,读一本简单的绘本。 讲完后,做结束颂词下课。
我主要以《wee sing》的动动手指唱歌谣和温馨童谣为主要教学内容,结合华德福英语教学大纲一年级的教学目标和内容要求,主要分为:
2.手指谣: finger play
6 .星期一到星期日
7 .日常对话{问候语和常用生活短语}
8 .听简单的英文故事(去商店购物、去公园等短语和句子)
1. Clap your hands
Clap ,clap ,clap your hands
as slowly as you can .
Clap,clap, clap your hands
as quickly as you can.
Shake shake shake your hands
As slowly as you can .
Shake shake shake your hands
As quickly as you can .
Roll roll roll your hands
As slowly as you can
Roll roll roll your hands
As quickly as you can
Rub rub rub your hands
As slowly as you can
Rub rub rub your hands
As quickly as you can
2 Bingo
1.There was a farmer had a dog and bingo was his name-o.
B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name-o.
2. ........(clap) --I--N--G--O
3..........(clap) -(clap)--N--G--O
4..........(clap) -(clap) -(clap)--G--O
5..........(clap) -(clap) -(clap) -(clap)--O
6..........(clap) --.(clap) -(clap) -(clap) -(clap)......
3 Rain, Rain , Go Away
Rain , rain, go away. Come again another day .
Everyone wants to play . Rain ---rain, go away .
4 Looby Loo
Here we go loobyloo, here we go loobylight,
Here we go loobyloo, All on a Saturday night.
1.You put yourright hand in, you put your right hand out,
You give yourright handa shake , shake,shake , and turn yourself about,Oh.
2.You put yourleft hand in, you put yourleft hand out,
You give yourleft handa shake , shake,shake , and turn yourself about,Oh.
3.You put your right foot in, you put yourright foot out,
You give yourright foota shake , shake,shake , and turn yourself about,Oh.
4.You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out,
You give yourleft foota shake , shake,shake , and turn yourself about,Oh
5.You put your head in, you put your head out,
You give your head a shake , shake,shake , and turn yourself about,Oh
一年级第一学期英语教学报告(怡洁老师)5.Walking walking
Walking walking, walking walking.
Running , running,running , running
Running , running,running , running
Now let’s stop, Now let’s stop,
6 .One elephant went out to play
One elephant went out to play,
Out on a spider’s web one day.
He had such enormous fun,
He called for another elephant to come.
1 Finger play
Two little blackbirds
Two little blackbirds
Sitting on a hill ,
One named Jack
And one named Jill.
Fly away, Jack.
Fly away, Jill.
Come back , Jack.
Come back, Jill .
2 Finger family
Daddy finger daddy finger ,where are you ?
Here I am
here I am
How do you do .
Mummy fingerMummy finger , where are you ?
Here I am
here I am
How do you do .
(brother finger、sister finger and baby finger )
3 Three blue pigeons
Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall ,
Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall ,
One flew away! O-o-o-o-oh.
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall ,
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall ,
Another flew away! O-o-o-o-oh.
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall,
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall,
And the third flew away! O-o-o-o-oh.
No blue pigeons sitting on a wall ,
No blue pigeons sitting on a wall ,
One flew back! Whee-ee-ee-ee!
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall,
One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.
Another flew back! Whee-ee-ee-ee!
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall,
Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall,
And the third flew back! Whee-ee-ee-ee!
Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall,
Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.
One two three
Four five six
seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve
thirteen fourteen Fifteen
sixteen seventeen eighteen
nineteen and twenty
1 Head and shoulders
Head and shoulders ,knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head and shoulders, knees and toes,knees and toes,
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose,
Head and shoulders knees and toes ,knees and toes.
2 Open them shut them
Open them ,shut them,
Open them ,shut them.
Give a little clap
Open them ,shut them,
Open them ,shut them.
Give a little clap,clap,clap.
Creep them, creep them
Right up on your nose
Creep them, creep them
Right up on your cheek
Peek,peek, I see you.
五、颜色:红、黄、蓝、绿、紫、白、橙色、 黑色
1 Brown brown bear, what do you see?
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
I see a red bird looking at me.
Red bird, Red bird, what do you see? I see a yellow duck looking at me.
Yellow duck, Yellow duck, what do you see? I see a blue horse looking at me.
Blue horse, Blue horse, what do you see? I see a green frog looking at me
Green frog, Green frog, what do you see? I see a purple cat looking at me.
Purple cat, Purple cat, what do you see? I see a white dog looking at me.
White dog, White dog, what do you see? I see a black sheep looking at me
Black sheep, Black sheep, what do you see? I see a goldfish looking at me.
Goldfish, Goldfish, What do you see? I see a teacher looking at me.
Teacher, Teacher, What do you see? I see children looking at me.
Children, Children, What do you see?
We see a brown Bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse, a green frog,
a purple cat, a white dog, a black sheep, a goldfish,
and a teacher looking at us. That's what we see.
六、 星期一到星期日
1 Days of the week
Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday ,Friday, Saturday , Sunday .
Good morning, good morning ,and how do you do ?
Good morning,good morning, I`m fine, how are you ?
Finger play (count number from 1--10)
Rickety, rickety, look at me.
How many fingers do you see ?
2 Teddy bear
1.Teddy bear , teddy bear , turn around ,
Teddy bear , teddy bear, touch the ground,
Teddy bear , teddy bear, show your shoe,
Teddy bear, teddy bear ,that will do !
2.Teddy bear , teddy bear ,go upstairs ,
Teddy bear , teddy bear, say your prayers,
Teddy bear , teddy bear, switch off the light,
Teddy bear, teddy bear, say good night.
Sleep , baby, sleep
Sleep ,baby,sleep,your father tends to sheep
Your mother shakes the dream land tree,
Down falls a little dream for thee.
Sleep, baby,sleep.
3 All night ,all day
All night ,all day ,angels watch in over me, my lord
All night, all day, angels watch in over me.