The Office-S01E05

The Office-S01E05

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-03-09 10:03 被阅读0次

    这一集有好多以前没见过的俗语,有些我google了也不是很能确定意思,比如打篮球的时候喊bring it in,我不懂是“加油”还是“聚集起来”。类似这种我不确定的短语我就没放上来

    put up a couple of hoops. basketball hoop - horizontal circular metal hoop supporting a net through which players try to throw the basketball. basket, hoop. basketball equipment - sports equipment used in playing basketball.

    nothing but net: This is the term used to describe when a player makes a field goal and the ball goes through the basket without hitting the backboard or rim, therefore hitting “nothing but net” on the way down. 哈哈哈看来是空心球的意思啊

    their jaws just drop to the floor

    on the team 加入了队伍

    pick-up game: In sports and video games, a pick-up game (also known as a scratch game or PUG) is a game that has been spontaneously started by a group of players. Players are generally invited to show up beforehand, but unlike exhibition games there is no sense of obligation or commitment to play

    vouch for someone: If you vouch for someone, you provide evidence or guarantee something on their behalf. If you vouch for your brother, you're saying he's a stand-up type of guy.

    strike hands: 1. to show agreement by clasping hands. 2. to make a bargain, contract, etc.

    take over: 接管

    foreman: a worker, especially a man, who supervises and directs other workers.


    sb. gets a little down. 有点沮丧

    dish it out. : to criticize other people. e.g. He can dish it out, but he can't take it when others do the same to him.

    have it your (own) way: used to indicate angrily that although one disagrees with something someone has said or proposed, one is not going to argue further. 随你的便

    starting lineup 首发阵容(篮球等运动)

    halter top: 吊带背心

    flouncy: 蓬松的

    a posse of: a group of people who have a common characteristic, occupation, or purpose.

    You're on. : said by way of accepting a challenge or bet.

    foward a call: 转接电话

    trash talk: insulting or boastful speech intended to demoralize, intimidate, or humiliate someone, especially an opponent in an athletic contest.

    going skins: Being totally awesome, and randomly taking off your shirt multiple times throughout the day. You have to look sexy and have huge guns. Usually people go skins for such things as playing sports, grocery shopping, working in class, or pretty much doing literally anything. It is expected for the person "going skins" to shout out "IM JUST GONNA GO SKINS RIGHT NOW!!!!" or "WE'LL JUST GO SKINS THIS TIME YOU GUYS GO SKINS NEXT TIME!!"

    camp shoeCamp shoes are not just for relaxing, but can be used for river crossings to keep your boots dry. Many backpackers carry camp shoes or water shoes with them on backpacking trips for relaxing and for stream crossings to keep their boots dry.

    Tip it my way. 篮球比赛开始的时候要扔球,“往我这边拨一点”

    who's on him. 谁来防他?(篮球)

    foul 犯规

    suck it up: accept a hardship.

    clock (verb.) : 1. attain or register (a specified time, distance, or speed). 2. hit (someone), especially on the head. e.g. "someone clocked him for no good reason"

    It Won't Fly: It won't work; it won't be approved. For example: “You can submit the plan, but it won't fly.

    cold pack 冰袋



          本文标题:The Office-S01E05
