Government to pay disabled worke

Government to pay disabled worke

作者: 什锦饭 | 来源:发表于2017-08-01 06:17 被阅读2次

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A long-running legal battle over a disability employment scheme which paid some people as little as 1 dollar an hour has come to an end after the federal government agreed to back pay 70% of the wages owed.



Over a disability employment scheme, A long-running legal battle after the federal government agreed to back pay 70% of the wages owed has come to an end, which paid some people as little as 1 dollar an hour


employment: 雇佣

legal battle: 诉讼战

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The Business Services Wage Assessment Tool assessed the pay of about half the employees working in the government- supported Australian Disability Enterprises(ADEs)—formerly known as sheltered workshops.

“商业服务工资评估工具系统”(The Business Services Wage Assessment Tool)对一半支持在政府支持的澳大利亚残疾人企业(Australian Disability Enterprise,ADEs) 中就职的雇员的薪水进行了评估,这些企业以前被称为“救济工厂”。

sheltered workshops: 救济工厂

It assessed the competency and productivity of workers, but several aspects were criticized as deeply flawed.


it, they 之类的都要加上其主语

The Bswat was suspended after a 2012 federal court case found two people had been discriminated against by the system which reduced wages to as little as 1 dollar an hour.


After an unsuccessful appeal to the high court, the federal government was granted one year the Australian Human Rights Commission to come up with a replacement scheme.

在联邦政府向高等法院提出申诉但未成功之后,澳洲人权委员会(Australian Human Rights Commision)给予联邦政府一年时间开发替代计划。

A bill passed in 2014 legislated to repay workers 50% of what they were owed.


bill: 法案

legislate: 规定

A class action lawsuit rejected the move and continued to seek 100%.


the move 该法案

After extensive mediation between the government and representatives of the class action, the social services minister Christian Porter announced new legislation would be introduced under which the Commonwealth would repay 70%.

经过在政府和集体诉讼代表之间进行大量调解工作后,社会服务部长蒂安.波特(Christian Porter)宣称,将实施新立法,规定联邦政府支付70%的未付工资。

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The legislation will ensure there are no tax implications and disability pensions are unaffected.


The repayments will be available to all workers with an intellectual disability who have worked in an ADE, not just those involved in the class action.


not just 提到前面来翻译

It will also be widened, including people who, for example, have since retired.




      本文标题:Government to pay disabled worke
