Woman in Mali Gives Birth to 9 Babies
A woman from the West African nation of Mali gave birth to nine babies, five girls and four boys, on Tuesday.
The mother is 25-year-old Halima Cisse from the northern part of Mali. She originally thought she was carrying seven. A test late in her pregnancy failed to show the other two babies.
这位25岁的母亲名字叫哈利玛·西塞(Halima Cisse),来自马里北部。她原本以为自己怀了7个孩子。在她怀孕后期的一次检查中,没有发现另外两个婴儿。
The Malian government flew her to Morocco so she could receive better medical care. The babies were delivered by cesarean section, a surgery that removes the babies from the uterus.

Multiple births are rare. The chance of having even two babies, known as twins, is about one in 80. The chance of having five babies is about one in 40 million.
Mali's health minister is Fanta Siby. She was pleased with the "happy outcome" of the pregnancy. She told the AFP news agency, "the mother and babies are doing well so far." They will stay in Morocco for several weeks.
马里卫生部长芬塔·西比(Fanta Siby)对此次怀孕的“幸福结果”感到开心。她告诉法新社,“到目前为止,母亲和孩子们都很好。” 他们将在摩洛哥再待几个星期。
Doctors in Mali who followed Cisse's pregnancy were concerned about the health of both the mother and the babies. In pregnancies that large, it is rare that all the children survive.
Guinness World Records reports that American Nadya Suleman gave birth to eight babies, six boys and two girls, in California in 2009. All of them survived.
据吉尼斯世界纪录报道,2009年,美国人纳蒂亚·苏莱曼(Nadya Suleman)在加州生下了8个婴儿,6男2女。他们都活了下来。
In 1971, an Australian woman, Geraldine Mary Brodrick, gave birth to nine babies, but only seven were born alive.
1971年,一名澳大利亚妇女,杰拉尔丁·玛丽·布罗德里克(Geraldine Mary Brodrick)生下了9个婴儿,但只有7个活了下来。
surgery –n. 手术
pregnancy –n. 怀孕
uterus –n. 子宫
rare –adj. 罕见的
multiple –adj. 多个的
outcome –n. 结果,结局
survive –v. 存活,幸存
cesarean section –剖腹产术
Guinness World Records –吉尼斯世界纪录