Embrace reality and deal with it.
there is nothing more important than understanding how reality works and how to deal with it. The state of mind you bring to this process makes all the difference. i have found it helpful to think of my life as if it were a game in which each problem i face is a puzzle i need to solve. by solving the puzzle, i get a gem in the form of a principle that helps me avoid the same sort of problem in the future. collecting these gems continually improves my decision making, so i am able to ascend to higher and higher levels of play in which the game gets harder and the stakes become ever greater.
这是《PRINCIPLES》的PART Ⅱ ——life principles 的开篇,作者把生活比作一个游戏,解决生活中的问题就是在打怪升级,当你到了打大BOSS的时候,意味着你已经到了很高的职位了。
all sorts of emotions come to me while i am playing and those emotions can either help me or hurt me. if i can reconcile my emotions with my logic and only act when they are aligned, i make better decisions.