作者: wenleyLiu | 来源:发表于2022-11-06 23:54 被阅读0次
    1. zeal for liberty and freedom
    • zeal is great enthusiasm, especially in connection with work, religion, or politics.

    his zeal for teaching
    nouns: enthusiasm, ardor, eagerness, fanaticism, gusto, keenness, passion, spirit, verve, zest.
    /ɪnˈθjuːziæzəm/, /ˈɑːdə(r)/, /ˈiːɡənəs/, /fəˈnætɪsɪzəm/,/ˈɡʌstəʊ/,/ˈkiːnnəs/,....,/zest/

    1. a zealous supporter of the government's politics.
    • someone who is zealous spends a lot of time or energy in supporting something that they believe in very strongly, especially in political or religious ideals.

    she is a zealous worker for charities bodies.
    adj: enthusiastic, ardent, eager, fanatical, fervent, keen, impassioned, passionate, devoted

    1. a religious zealot

    nouns: fanatic, bigot, enthusiast, extremist, militant.

    1. reach the zenith of her career
    • the zenith of something is the time when it is most successful or powerful
    • the zenith is the point at which the sun or moon is directly above you and seems to be its highest.
    1. zigzag along a rocky coastline.
    • a zigzag is a line that has a series of angles in it like a continuous series or W's
      -if you zigzag, you move forward by going at an angle first to one side and then to the other.

    I zigzagged down a labyrinth/ˈlæbərɪnθ/ of alleys/ˈæliz/

    1. a living zombie

    2. zooming price of crude oil

    • if price or sale zoom, they increase greatly in a very short time
    • if you zoom somewhere, you go there very quickly.

    verbs:speed, dash, fly, hurtle, pelt, rush, shoot



