

作者: Kyle_An | 来源:发表于2018-01-10 10:39 被阅读0次



boid是Craig Reynold创造的术语,用以表示类似小鸟这样的对象。我们将使用这个术语描述群组中的每个个体对象。UnityFlock这个脚本控制群组中每一个boid的行为。

using UnityEngine;  
using System.Collections;  
public class UnityFlock : MonoBehaviour {  
    public float minSpeed = 20;//最小移动速度  
    public float turnSpeed = 20;//旋转速度  
    public float randomFreq = 20;//用来确定更新randomPush变量的次数  
    public float randomForce = 20;//这个力产生出一个随机增长和降低的速度,并使得群组的移动看上去更加真实  
    //alignment variables列队变量  
    public float toOriginForce = 50;//用这个来保持所有boid在一个范围内,并与群组的原点保持一定距离  
    public float toOriginRange = 100;//群组扩展的程度  
    public float gravity = 2;  
    //seperation variables分离变量  
    public float avoidanceRadius = 50;  
    public float avoidanceForce = 20;//这两个变量可以让每个boid个体之间保持最小距离  
    //cohesion variables凝聚变量,这两个变量可用来与群组的领导者或群组的原点保持最小距离。  
    public float followVelocity = 4;  
    public float followRadius = 40;  
    private Transform origin;//设为父对象,以控制整个群组中的对象。  
    private Vector3 velocity;  
    private Vector3 normalizeedVelocity;  
    private Vector3 randomPush;//更新基于randomFore的值  
    private Vector3 originPush;  
    private Transform[] objects;  
    private UnityFlock[] otherFlocks;  
    private Transform transformComponent;  
    void Start () {  
        randomFreq = 1.0f / randomFreq;  
        origin = transform.parent;  
        //Flock transform  
        transformComponent = transform;  
        //Temporary components临时  
        Component[] tempFlocks = null;  
        //Get all the unity flock omponents from the parent transform in the group  
        if (transform.parent )  
            tempFlocks = transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<UnityFlock>();  
        //Assign and store all the flock objects in this group  
        objects = new Transform[tempFlocks.Length];  
        otherFlocks = new UnityFlock[tempFlocks.Length];  
        for (int i = 0; i < tempFlocks.Length; i++)  
            objects[i] = tempFlocks[i].transform;  
            otherFlocks[i] = (UnityFlock)tempFlocks[i];  
        //Null Parent as the flok leader will be UnityFlockController object  
        transform.parent = null;  
        //Calculate random push depends on the random frequency provided  
    IEnumerator UpdateRandom()  
        while (true)  
            randomPush = Random.insideUnitSphere * randomForce;  
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(randomFreq + Random.Range(-randomFreq / 2.0f, randomFreq / 2.0f));  
    void Update () {  
        //internal variables  
        float speed = velocity.magnitude;//获取速度大小  
        Vector3 avgVelocity = Vector3.zero;  
        Vector3 avgPosition = Vector3.zero;  
        float count = 0;  
        float f = 0.0f;  
        float d = 0.0f;  
        Vector3 myPosition = transformComponent.position;  
        Vector3 forceV;  
        Vector3 toAvg;  
        Vector3 wantedVel;  
        for (int i = 0; i < objects.Length; i++)  
            Transform transform = objects[i];  
            if (transform != transformComponent)  
                Vector3 otherPosition = transform.position;  
                //Average position to calculate cohesion  
                avgPosition += otherPosition;  
                //Directional vector from other flock to this flock  
                forceV = myPosition - otherPosition;  
                //Magnitude of that diretional vector(length)  
                d = forceV.magnitude;  
                //Add push value if the magnitude,the length of the vetor,is less than followRadius to the leader  
                if (d < followRadius)  
                    //calculate the velocity,the speed of the object,based current magnitude is less than the specified avoidance radius  
                    if (d < avoidanceRadius)  
                        f = 1.0f - (d / avoidanceRadius);  
                        if (d > 0)  
                            avgVelocity += (forceV / d) * f * avoidanceForce;  
                    //just keep the current distance with the leader  
                    f = d / followRadius;  
                    UnityFlock otherSealgull = otherFlocks[i];  
                    //we normalize the otherSealgull veloity vector to get the direction of movement,then wo set a new veloity  
                    avgVelocity += otherSealgull.normalizeedVelocity * f * followVelocity;  
        if (count > 0)  
            //Calculate the aveage flock veloity(Alignment)  
            avgVelocity /= count;  
            //Calculate Center value of the flock(Cohesion)  
            toAvg = (avgPosition / count) - myPosition;  
            toAvg = Vector3.zero;  
        //Directional Vector to the leader  
        forceV = origin.position - myPosition;  
        d = forceV.magnitude;  
        f = d / toOriginRange;  
        //Calculate the velocity of the flok to the leader  
        if (d > 0)  
            originPush = (forceV / d) * f * toOriginForce;  
        if (speed < minSpeed && speed > 0)  
            velocity = (velocity / speed) * minSpeed;  
        wantedVel = velocity;  
        //Calculate final velocity  
        wantedVel -= wantedVel * Time.deltaTime;  
        wantedVel += randomPush * Time.deltaTime;  
        wantedVel += originPush * Time.deltaTime;  
        wantedVel += avgVelocity * Time.deltaTime;  
        wantedVel += toAvg.normalized * gravity * Time.deltaTime;  
        //Final Velocity to rotate the flock into  
        velocity = Vector3.RotateTowards(velocity, wantedVel, turnSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 100.0f);  
        transformComponent.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(velocity);  
        transformComponent.Translate(velocity * Time.deltaTime, Space.World);  
        normalizeedVelocity = velocity.normalized;  


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