

作者: 爱机车的异乡人 | 来源:发表于2021-07-23 21:36 被阅读0次

    It was a lovely morning when the two men, and the five dogs pulling Mercedes on the sledge, came into John Thornton's camp at White River.

    在一个可爱的早晨, 两个人, 和5条狗拉着雪撬上的玛尔赛蒂, 抵达了白河河畔, 约翰桑顿的营地。

    They stopped, and the dogs dropped down immediately to rest.

    他们刚停下来, 狗立刻瘫倒在地休息。

    John Thornton was mending an axe, and he went on working as he talked to Hal.

    约翰桑顿正在做一把斧子, 他一边同哈尔聊天一边干活儿。

    'Is it safe to cross the river here?' asked Hal.


    'No, the ice is too thin. It’s much too dangerous, answered Thornton.

    “不行, 冰太薄了, 非常危险。”桑顿回答。

    'People have told us that before, ' laughed Hal, 'but we got here with no problems.'

    “人们老早就告诉过我们这个。”哈尔笑道, “但是我们平安到了这里。”

    'Only somebody very stupid would cross the White River here, ' said Thornton.


    'That's what you think, ' said Hal.

    “也就你这么想吧, ”哈尔说,

    'But we've got to get to Dawson.' He picked up his whip. ‘Come on, Buck! Get up now! Let’s go!'

    “但我们无论如何是要到道桑去的。”他拾起鞭子。“来, 巴克!现在起来!我们走!”

    Thornton went on working.


    He had warned them, but he knew he couldn't stop these stupid men from going on.

    他已经警告过他们, 但是他知道他无法阻止这些愚蠢的人。

    But Buck didn't get up. Soles stood up slowly, then Teak and Joe, and finally Pike.

    但是巴克却没有起来, 索拉克斯慢腾腾地爬起来, 然后是蒂克和乔, 最后是派克。

    But Buck stayed where he was. The whip came down on him again and again.

    只有巴克没挪身子, 鞭子一次又一次抽到他的身上。

    Thornton started to speak, then stopped, and began to walk up and down.

    桑顿想说什么, 又忍住了, 然后他开始走来走去。

    Hal now put down his whip and started to hit Buck with a club.




