每周一段 40 议论文中对立观点的写法

每周一段 40 议论文中对立观点的写法

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-06-24 10:44 被阅读0次

这周的“每周一段”选自“For the future, look to the past” (the Economist, 15th, June). 文章对麦肯锡一份关于女性未来工作的最新报告进行了解读。

The debate about the future of work tends to divide commentators into two camps. The optimistic case is that technology may cause temporary disruption but will ultimately result in economic growth and thus more jobs. Combine harvesters reduced the need for agricultural labors and personal computers eliminated the typing pool, but the displaced workers found other jobs in the end. The pessimists argue that new technology, even if it does not cause mass unemployment, will create a "digital divide". The future will resemble a high-tech Downton Abbey, with the skilled elite lording it over the rest. Unskilled workers will be delivering pizzas to, and cleaning the bathrooms of, the likes of Elon Musk and Tim Cook. 


全文共9段,选段为第1、2 段。两个段落分别写了乐观主义和悲观主义者的观点,并且简洁举了一例。这两段为议论文写作中讨论两个对立观点提供了多个可以直接使用的句式,值得我们背诵和临摹。



临摹句子1: The debate about the future of work tends to divide commentators into two camps. 

提炼句型1: The debate about X tends to divide commentators into two camps. 


1) The debate about immigration tends to divide commentators into two camps.

2) The debate about whether pupils should take extra classes after school tends to divide commentators into two camps. 

3) The debate about whether smoking in public places should be banned tends to divide commentators into two camps. 

临摹句子2: The optimistic case is that technology may cause temporary disruption but will ultimately result in economic growth and thus more jobs.

提炼句型2: The optimistic case is that X.


1) The optimistic case is that immigrants bring different cultures and skills to their destination. 

2) The optimistic case is that the two countries are returning to negotiation after a long stand-off. 

3) The optimistic case is that the government is taking notice of the problem and acting to fix it. 

临摹句子3:The pessimists argue that new technology, even if it does not cause mass unemployment, will create a "digital divide". 

提炼句型3: The pessimists argue that X


1)The pessimists argue that driver-less cars, even if they are affordable, will not be as reliable as most people think,

2) The pessimists argue that immigrants, even if they are not illegal, will take some of the jobs from natives.

3) The pessimists argue that the social mobility problem, even if it has been properly diagnosed, will take a long time to address. 


1) The debate about the future of work tends to divide commentators into two camps. The optimistic case is that technology may cause temporary disruption but will ultimately result in economic growth and thus more jobs. Combine harvesters reduced the need for agricultural labors and personal computers eliminated the typing pool, but the displaced workers found other jobs in the end. 

2) The pessimists argue that new technology, even if it does not cause mass unemployment, will create a "digital divide". 



The debate about the impact of the omnipresent smartphone on human interactions tends to divide commentators into two camps. The optimistic case is that people are able to share their work and life through smartphones instantly without being limited by physical distances, which helps maintain interpersonal relationships. The pessimists argue that the ever-present smartphone, even if it does not widen gaps between people, will make individuals oblivious to social cues developed in face-to-face interactions. 


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      本文标题:每周一段 40 议论文中对立观点的写法
