1,The puffy staff’s stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.喘气的职员们闷热的胸中填满了足够的痛苦。
2,The member of good memory remembers to commemorate his friend with memorials.那位记性好的成员记得用纪念品纪念他的朋友。
3,The room is lumbered with numerous cucumbers.房间里乱堆着大量黄瓜。
4,The poet’s toes get out of his shoes. Here heroes are zeros. 诗人的脚趾露出了鞋子。在这里英雄无足轻重。
5,In the library, arbitrary the librarian wrote the auxiliary diary about military literature. 在图书馆,武断的图书管理员写下了有关军事文学的辅助日记。