后文内容摘自于《Bluetooth Essentials for Programmers》一书。

1、Discoverability and Connectability

Inquiry Scan 表示设备能否被发现的;Page Scan表示设备会不会接受其它设备的连接请求
Note: A common misconception is that when a Bluetooth device enters an area, it somehow “announces” its presence so that
other devices will know that it’s around. This never happens (even
though it’s not a bad idea), and the only way for one device to detect the presence of another is to conduct a device discovery.
RFCOMM (Radio Frequency Communications protocol, a reliable
streams-based protocol)
用蓝牙通信技术模拟传统的RS-232标准的串口协议,端口 30
有些蓝牙库只支持该协议的应用是因为通常蓝牙库能支持这个协议,就能满足大多数蓝牙应用 -
L2CAP (Logical Link Control and Adaption Protocol, a packet-based
protocol that can be configured with varying levels of reliability )There are three possible retransmit policies: • never retransmit (but make a best effort); • always retransmit until success or total connection failure (reliable, the default); and • drop a packet and move on to queued data if a packet hasn’t been acknowledged after a specified time limit (0–1279 ms). This is useful when data must be transmitted in a timely manner (and it assumes a best effort
所有的RCOMM都是封装在L2CAP中 -
ACL (The Asynchronous Connection-oriented Logical (ACL) transport protocol)
不会再在编程时直接接触,所有的L2CAP是封装在ACL中 -
SCO (Synchronous ConnectionOriented (SCO) logical transport protocol)
A port is used to allow multiple applications on the same device to simultaneously utilize the same
transport protocol. Almost all Internet transport protocols in common usage are designed with the
notion of port numbers.Bluetooth is no exception, but uses slightly different terminology. In L2CAP,
ports are called Protocol Service Multiplexers (PSM), and can take on oddnumbered values between 1
and 32,767. Don’t ask why they have to be odd-numbered values, because you probably won’t get a
convincing answer. In RFCOMM, channels 1–30 are available for use. Throughout the rest of
this book, the word port is used instead of protocol service multiplexer and
channel, mostly for clarity.
端口在不同的传输协议下有不同的含义,可能是指PSM 或者信道的ID编号
关于PSM 和 CID的理解区分,见 c - Bluetooth LE L2CAP CID vs. PSM - Stack Overflow

4、Service Discovery Protocol

4、Bluetooth Profiles + RFCs
常见的profile,可在蓝牙技术官网查看更多细节 http://www.bluetooth.com/Bluetooth/Learn/Technology/Specifications/

5、Host Controller Interface


蓝牙 参考资料: