01. Attributed String Programmin

01. Attributed String Programmin

作者: ngugg | 来源:发表于2018-10-29 16:32 被阅读5次


    Introduction to Attributed String Programming Guide

    • 归属字符串编程指南简介

    Attributed String Programming Guide describes the attributed string objects, instantiated from the NSAttributedString class or the CFAttributedString Core Foundation opaque type, which manage sets of text attributes, such as font and kerning, that are associated with character strings or individual characters.

    Who Should Read This Document

    • 谁应该阅读本文档

    You should read this document if you need to work directly with attributed string objects.

    • 如果需要直接使用属性字符串对象,则应阅读本文档。

    Organization of This Document

    This programming topic contains the following articles:

    • Attributed Strings describes the attributed string objects instantiated from NSAttributedString, NSMutableAttributedString, CFAttributedString and CFMutableAttributedString.

      • Attributed Strings描述了从NSAttributedString,NSMutableAttributedString,CFAttributedString和CFMutableAttributedString实例化的属性字符串对象。
    • Creating Attributed Strings in Cocoa describes how to create attributed strings with data that you provide.

      • 在Cocoa中创建属性字符串描述了如何使用您提供的数据创建属性字符串。
    • Accessing Attributes describes how to access text attributes.

      • 访问属性描述了如何访问文本属性。
    • Changing an Attributed String describes how to change characters and attributes in an attributed string.

      • 更改属性字符串描述了如何更改属性字符串中的字符和属性。
    • Drawing Attributed Strings describes how to draw an attributed string in a view.

      • 绘制属性字符串描述了如何在视图中绘制属性字符串。
    • RTF Files and Attributed Strings explains how to read and write attributed strings to and from files of RTF data, and it describes Apple’s extensions to the RTF language.

      • RTF文件和属性字符串解释了如何从RTF数据文件读取和写入属性字符串,并描述了Apple对RTF语言的扩展。
    • Word and Line Calculations in Attributed Strings describes how to work with attributed strings in editors.

      • 归属字符串中的单词和行计算描述了如何在编辑器中使用属性字符串。
    • Standard Attributes describes global NSString constants containing the attribute names.

      • 标准属性描述包含属性名称的全局NSString常量。

    See Also

    For more information, refer to the following documents:

    • String Programming Guide describes the string objects that hold the Unicode character information in attributed strings.

      • 字符串编程指南描述了在属性字符串中保存Unicode字符信息的字符串对象。
    • Text Attribute Programming Topics explains how the text system handles the various kinds of attributes applied to strings of text.

      • 文本属性编程主题说明文本系统如何处理应用于文本字符串的各种属性。



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