

作者: LifelongLearn | 来源:发表于2017-09-09 11:21 被阅读0次
    Jigsaw Puzzle








    我之所以要选择这本书作为我以后一个行动的指南,它不仅仅是很多顶级牛人的访谈录,更是作者自己亲自去思考去实践的真实笔录。这个就像一些药一直处于理论和实验阶段,而没有进行临床的验证。本文作者其实就是一只出了名的小白鼠,他通过自己的亲生的经历来验证了那些访谈的真实性,让我们普通人有了一个很好的参考样本,要比那些成功学的书要实用得多。本书将不是简单告诉你一些经验和道理,更为重要的是告诉你应该怎样去做。就像:完成一个拼图的过程肯定要比将拼图的碎片简单地堆起来更有用!(The completed jigsaw puzzle is much greater than the sum of its parts.)


    There are many books full of interviews. This is different, because I don’t view myself as an experimenter. If I can’t test something or replicate results in the messy reality of everyday life, I’m not interested. Everything in these pages has beeb vetted, explored, and applied to my own life in some fashion. I’ve used dozens of these tactics and philosophies in high-stakes negotiations, high-risk environments, or large business dealings.  The lessons have made me millions of dollars and saved me years of wasted effort and frustration. They work when you need them most.

    Some applications are obvious at first glance , while others are subtle and will provoke a “Holy shit  now I get it !” Realization weeks later, while you’re daydreaming in the shower or about to fall asleep.

    Many of the  one-liners teach volumes.  Some summarize excellence in an entire field in one sentence. As Josh  Waitzkin (page 577), chess prodigy and the inspiration behind Searching for Bobby Fischer ,might put it, these bite-sized learnings are a way to “learn the macro from the micro. ”The process of piecing them together was revelatory. If I thought I saw “the Matrix” before , I was mistaken , or I was only seeing 10% of it . Still, even that 10%—“islands” of notes on individual mentors—had already changed my life and helped me 10X my results. But after revisiting more than a hundred minds as part of the same fabric, things got very interesting  very quickly. For the movie nerds among you , it was like the end of The Sixth Sense or The Usual Suspects: “The red door knob! The fucking Kobayashi coffee cup! How did I not notice that ? It was right in front of me the whole time !”

    To help you see the same, I’ve done my best to weave patterns together throughout the book, noting where guests have complementary habits, beliefs, and recommendations.

    The completed jigsaw puzzle is much greater than the sum of its parts.




    —— 蒂莫西.费里斯 著



