A farsighted man should put every one of his wishes in a proper order,then accomplish them one by one.But it is always the insatiable desire that disrupts the order and makes us to seek after many objectives at the same time so that we get little but lose much.
In the world there is no such a man with ambition but no enterprise,and also no such a man with enterprise but no ambition.Enterprise comes from ambition,and ambition can lead to enterprise.
The happiest thing in the world is nothing but striving for our ideal.A philosopher tells us:happiness comes from virtue.The man,who endeavors for his ideal,must get such happiness because the value of virtue is in nature of ideal.
The pursuit of both spiritual and material wealth is endless.But without the former,the latter is nominal and degenerate,whereas without the latter,the former is unreal and retrogressive.
There is no royal road to science.With numerous rough reefs and dangerous beaches in the long river of truth,only the person who never fears hardship and danger can climb up to the summit of the mountain or dive down to the base sea.
The meaning of success would be the feeling of an unregretful pleasure for gaining something after developing one's merits and doing one's best rather than for vanity or money.
A flower of success is cultivated in the environment full of rain of hardships,mud of blood as well as violent storms.Career of the man who succeeds not at one moment cannot be destroyed or failed on one day.